Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Jeopardy and my mother
Well it would seem that I am going to have to give up the only/best quality time that I spend with my elderly and disabled mother.
Monday through Friday I stop whatever I am doing at 7:30 p.m. to go into the living room and play 
Jeopardy with my mother. She gets a real kick out of it when the answers are loaded with literature type stuff and she kicks my butt.
I usually go to bed shortly if not immediately afterwards if I have a first shift job. If I had a third shift job, I would simply get up at 7 and be ready to go at 7:30 then get ready for work after.
Unfortunately so far the only jobs that I have received a positive response from are 2nd shift jobs. You know, that shift that no one likes because it screws up your whole frigging day. If I wanted 2nd shift I would just go back into the slimy world of restaurant work.
I have to work for an income because of the way shit is. I would prefer a different system than capitalism as long as there are no dictators. Which means that I will take the best position offered.
Making me give up my time with my mom is not a way of endearing yourself/yourselves to me. It will just make me hate this area even more.
I do not have that much money left in the bank as it has already been a month without a job in this 'small town' crap hole. I prefer a city where you can quit one job and walk next door to get another and they never even heard of you. Of course that also would get rid of the whole online application process that I hate.
I am definitely more of either an early morning or late night type of person.
I even told a temporary staff agency interviewer that I didn't want to work for GM, its suppliers or 2nd shift.
I do not really care what you think about me spending time with my mom. It means something to me, fuck you.


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