Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 Another memory of a previous post.

February 14, 2019


I grew up in a suburb, Kettering, of a medium sized city, Dayton, Ohio. A city that acted like a city and not like a small town. The small town bullshit of everyone having their heads up everyone else's asses did not happen there. That kind of shit was a good way to get your ass kicked.
There, you could actually have a conversation with someone without that someone running around telling everyone they met what you said or what they twisted what you really said into. People actually had other things to talk about.
No one cared if you got laid or not, nor was it any of their business.
You could say "Hi" to people without them thinking that you wanted to have sex with them.
You could go to work and do your job because you wanted a paycheck to be able to live your life elsewhere and no one got butt hurt about it. No one thought that you only kept going to that job because you must want someone there.
You went to work and did your job because if you did not do your job you got fired.
If you tried this weaponry bullshit there, people would say something about it. People would probably do something about it instead of being chicken shits.
I do not want to be part of your small town crap. Unless you read my blog, which I would not have to write if it wasn't for all of you assholes spreading bullshit and attacking me with the radiation weaponry, or I tell you personally, my life is none of your fucking business.
I despise, loathe and detest what you fucking morons have turned my life into. I will never just accept it, I will fight it until I die.

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