Sunday, February 12, 2023

 This job is fucking killing me. Yesterday I tried to go fast all day. To keep my percentage above 95. I was higher than it showed at the end of the day, but I forgot to scan out my last "outs" pick so the time was added to the pick before it and it was way down. I still ended up at 100% for the day. 

This morning, I can barely walk. To go that fast you have to step off the ride while it is moving. The only other option would be to literally run while selecting. 

A transfer wouldn't make much difference as my knees would still be fucked.  

I need to be out of that kind of warehouse or in one that works a lot less hours.

I may have to stick it out until my car is paid off, but once that bill is gone I am getting something that is less wear and tear on my body.

Someone here seems intent on injuring me physically. The feeling is mutual. 

When I get the proof on whoever is behind making so that I can't get a good job that I can do, I am going after your entire fucking family.

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