Saturday, February 25, 2023

Another memory from Facebook that I can't share there because they set me up to share a memory and then said that the memory violated their terms of service and banned me for 30 days. 

On this day
1 year ago
Shared with Public
Home early. Didn't make much of shit.
Not worth it to put up with the traffic on a Friday night.
Couldn't make anything this morning due to Doordash offers being so low.
Most likely will miss Top Dasher for next month because I am not out there to make 10 dollars a fucking hour because of 2,3 or 4 dollar fucking orders.
The Uber morning orders that I used to get are gone wither because someone is sitting at the merchant or they keep sending me across town or away from the area I start in.
To make any money I now have to stay out there until almost 7 pm.
I get out there between 6:30 and 7 am. I used to go home at 5 or before with the money I wanted to make.
Once again due to the gossiping assholes and the lowlife pieces of shit with the weaponry when I get something going someone else tries to take it away.
I hate the whole gig bunch of bullshit and would wipe it off the face of the earth if I could.
Unfortunately, I am stuck doing it because of the assholes running things here and the sniveling little hand holding worthless [pieces of shit in the workplaces.
Thanks asshole, moron CEOs that push that bring your friend to work bullshit. You all deserve a sound ass kicking.
just remember, the longer I have to stay here to get enough money to move safely, the more I will hate everyone.
My mother has about 3 or 4 year left on her pacemaker if she makes it that long.
I am trying to make her last years at least a little more comfortable.
I have to do things around the house as well.
As I have been saying for over 20 years now, I am not even looking for a relationship and never will be with this weaponry hooked to me.
I try to be polite and courteous. That is me being me. Nothing else.
I am sick of being fucked with and truly want to dismember anyone doing it.

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