Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Since the garbage at DC 85 terminated my employment, I have been putting in applications everywhere I can that has a job that would pay my bills.

So far I have been turned down by AWH logistics, Target and Walmart. All are positions that I am qualified for and that I could do easily. 

Someone blacklisted me and when I find out who I am going to go after their entire family.

Why, because I am not a money grubbing weasel sack of crap?

Why, because I am not trying to get way more than I need while others can't pay their bills?

I can work overtime. I just can't do extreme physical labor for that many hours.

Meijer warehouse is the same shit as FedEx Ground was. Push, push, push until my body can't take it anymore.

It has been 4 days since I worked at Meijer and my body still hurts in places. I have diabetes. Diabetes makes healing take longer. I am 57 years old. Age makes producing or building muscle take longer or just makes it so your body won't do it anymore.

 That is all.

I have never been tested below 130 for an IQ. If I was an idiot the assholes with the weaponry would have succeeded a long time ago. 

They make people around me do things. They just attack, torture and piss me off immensely.

Their weaponry also takes its toll on my body.

How many mistakes did I make selecting products at Meijer? That is with coward nazi scum attacking me constantly putting shit into my brain trying to distract me.

That is with shit music blaring.

I tried to stay away from people at Meijer. They forced me to be in the same proximity as as many others as they could. 


You can not change an introvert into an extrovert and your deserve a beating for trying. 

I can get along with co-workers just fine. I can teach or coach people if that is my job. I have lots of experience. None of that makes them my friend or makes me want to invite them over for coffee.

I do not drink alcohol anymore. I am diabetic, alcohol is a major no-no.

I do not smoke pot anymore. Someone pissing you off when you are high ruins the buzz. I am constantly pissed off at the lowlife scum with the evoked potential and other radiation weapons. No point in trying to enjoy a buzz.

They are probably cocaine head garbage and I specifically said that I did not want anything to do with that shit. Anyone that does cocaine is someone that the world would be a better place without.

I am not a member of any criminal organization and I never will be.

These assholes running these companies and their psychobabble pieces of shit with the moronic psyche tests that have been proven to be bullshit are destroying this country. 

They don't want honest hard working people. They want conniving weasels like themselves that can only think about money, money, money.

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