Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 Since Facebook has restricted my account over bullshit I will post memories here so I don't have to wait another year to see them again.


Monday, December 17, 2018
How is it legal to....
After filling out many, many applications for employment, I have to ask the question, how and why is it legal to ask someone for references??
Seriously, it shouldn't even be legal to ask for personal or job references. Think about it. It is or at least was illegal to ask previous employers anything other than to verify dates of employment or specific job related questions pertaining to drug testing or maybe absenteeism.
The only reason to even have the reference section would be to try and bypass those laws. That could lead to discrimination.
That said, some employers go one step further and specifically ask for business/work references that are not related to you and not previous supervisors. So anyone that has a no-fraternization policy is not qualified for the job? WTF???
I guess now-a-days it is more important to socialize with your co-workers than to do your job?? What a crock of shit.
Never in my life on any application have I listed references that would not qualify as personal references.
I do not want to socialize with my co-workers. I do not even need to know the town that they live in let alone their address and phone number.
Work/life balance means you don't spend your life with people that you work with as well.
Ever notice how the scumbag CEOs start pushing bullshit to get you to spend your whole existence making them money???

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