Sunday, February 26, 2023

The assholes with the weaponry just used "You should have kept your mouth shut" on me about the Meijer job.

So I should have not spoken out about the unsafe working conditions of the warehouse and kept my mouth shut about possibly passing out and either injuring or killing myself and others because of idiotic mandatory overtime being applied to a person with a disability, diabetes, and giving that person no way to store equipment to check their blood sugar levels?

For a company that pushes 200% accountability for safety, that is complete hypocrisy.

Apparently the 200% doesn't apply to those that are supposed to clean up the spills or those that should be putting the pallets into the racking system correctly. 

They do allow for a 3 minute delay on each pick with approval to run around into the next aisle and push the pallet forward to pick from it. If you can get the pallet to move as the rollers are fucked up half the time you would still need to do it about 50 times per pick depending on which aisles you were in (about 10 to 15 times in the juice aisles). 

Another added danger in that shit hole. You are given the same amount of time to pick case whether the case is at the front of the front pallet or you have to climb through the rack system to get to the second pallet of product. With 50 to 100 products at the second pallet you have to hurry even more stepping into the racking making it more dangerous.

All because of idiotic productivity standards applied in an antiquated warehouse with too many products for its size. 

Meijer should be forced to shut down DC 85 until they can either reduce the number of products, reduce the number of cases daily, replace the racking system or just tear it down and build a modern warehouse with sensible racks.

Someone needs to get rid of those stupid fucking stickers and use headsets.

The Karen bitch in the office wouldn't have much of a job without the stickers.

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