Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Once again the nazi pigs with the weaponry don't let me sleep properly.

Anyone and everyone that condones their attacks deserves to die. 

I did nothing to you fucking pieces of shit.

I will never conform to your PC bullshit and would like to exterminate you all.

I will never take part in your workplace fuck cults.

I will never be religious. There is no such thing as a god. 

I will never be a criminal or in a criminal organization.

I will never be a proponent of capitalism.

I will never be gay or bisexual.

I will never push nationalistic propaganda.

I will always think.

I will always look a gift horse in the mouth. There might be Trojan soldiers in there.

I will always fight "Big Brother".

I will always fight bullshit no matter who is pushing it.

I will always be one of the good guys.

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