Saturday, February 25, 2023

 For all the ignorant people that have no clue what diabetics go through here is a picture once again of the symptoms of low blood sugar. 

Notice the causes. Notice that it can lead to insulin shock and can also lead to a stroke. 

Like I trried to explain to the morons when I worked at FedEx Ground as a driver for assholes C&JH, 

Once your diabetes is under control with diet, exercise and medication you still can't let it drop too low. 

You also can not eat crap that raises it very high so that you can work extra. That will cause you to end up on insulin.

So to all of you out there, Diabetes is listed as a disability. Both type 1 and type 2. 

It is your responsibility to know the symptoms and to tell those in charge that the person is a diabetic and may need to stop and check their blood sugar.

No fucking job is worth passing out and getting injured because some sack of crap is trying to work you to death.

And notice the irritability part of the symptoms. best to not egg them on or you may get a response that you don't like. It may even offend some butt hurt piece of shit.

It is also the responsibility of the employer to provide a place to keep blood sugar testing equipment.

I never even got a locker so I could wear a coat to work and hang it up in that sorry ass shit hole. Let alone anywhere to store a glucose monitor. 

There use to be a drawer in the break room at Aldi's warehouse that was labeled as one of the employees diabetic equipment/supplies.

Meijer warehouse is a fucking joke. At the Meijer store where I once worked I could literally go to the Pharmacy if I was feeling like I needed to check my blood sugar. 

I hate every last piece of shit in this town that keeps trapping me in these bullshit jobs that are not suited for a diabetic. 

It sure seems like this town is trying to kill me.

If I get proof on who would be behind something like that, I am coming right at you and one of us is dying.

Seriously, the Meijer job was worse than the FedEx Ground job. Both sucked because they kept trying to make me work more than 8 hours. 

They are too fucking much exercise for a diabetic to do that.

Making it even worse is the anger caused by the punk ass little bitches behind the weaponry.

The garbage needs to be taken out.

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