Saturday, February 25, 2023

I knew it would happen eventually. I hated that job, but I needed an income until I found something else. 

Of course the pin dick nazi pigs with the evoked potential weaponry wouldn't stop atacking me as i tried to work.

That is what kind of people hide behind the weaponry. I am trying to do everything the right way. they won't fucking let me.

I will kill them if I find them.

They are nothing but pieces of shit that deserve to die.

They are the fucking criminals not me. They commit crimes against humanity and deserve to die for it.

They are on the same level as Hitler's nazis were.

That is tied for the worst job I have ever had. I just don't see how it could be beaten out for worst. 

One of the ones tied with it would have been unloading the trucks at the Meijer store on S. Pennsylvania here in Lansing when everything was floor freight.  

Meijer is just a shit company.

Wouldn't surprise me if the assholes that run Meijer are in on the cover-up for the scum behind the evoked potential and other radiation weapons here in Michigan.

Every politician on Meijer payroll needs to be removed from office. 

Grand Rapids is known as a religious shit hole. I am an atheist.

Still wondering why the moron outside the Mayfair told me to try West? Maybe he should have asked me what the fuck I said instead of listening to the idiots in that bar.

He did say that the whole area by Lake Lansing was conservative.



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