Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Well I got off work at 8:49 pm tonight only because they can't keep us for more than 4 hours overtime. 

Apparently they started something new on Monday and I just got to it today.

They are adding aisle 37 to the aisles 35 - 30 yogurt picks. My last pick was 21 pages starting in 37 and ending in 32. 31 and 30 are mostly small items and not easy to keep a flat pallet while stacking. 

Aisle 37 is mostly juice type boxes or creamers. There is a logical reason that aisle 37 was separate from the 35 through 30 aisles. 

If you add aisle 37 in with the others the computer might very well cut the pick off before you get to aisle 30. That leaves another pick of small boxes that are difficult to keep level as you stack them and are not all that sturdy to put another pallet on top of them when they load the trucks. 

You could put that small pallet on top of another pallet, but you need one that can support it and is either level or 4 cornered to support the pallet on top.

Leaving aisle 37 by itself lefty a usually short pallet that was easy to at least 4 corner so they could stack another pallet on top if necessary.

Experienced selectors could sometimes take two picks if both went to the same store and combine them on 2 pallets to save room. 

It isn't smart nor fun to take two picks that turn into 25+ pages and try to put them on 2 pallets. 

It can bite you in the ass if the products are large. 

Leave the sturdier products to be stacked upon. 

Now that that is out of the way, fuck you panic shopping assholes. 

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