Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Monday, December 10, 2018
Humans are social animals?
I wonder if the so-called experts even know what the fuck the statement that "humans are social animals" means or where it came from.
It has nothing to do with the bullshit called social networking. It stems from a time when there wasn't much technology and humans had to live together in groups to survive. They had to have a structure withing the group or the group would not function very well and they would be more likely to die.
Technology, including tools, has made that a moot point. It is completely possible to survive as an individual if you have access to the technology to start with and can repair it if needed.
Since most humans do live in an area with other humans and they depend upon each other getting certain things done then some sort of structure does tend to exist. However there is no need at all to socialize. It is not a requirement of existence or survival.
Therefore humans can no longer be categorized as social animals.
The useless scumbags that pass as psychologists and psychiatrists these days are nothing more than money grubbing assholes that would rather push what the government tells them to or just treat symptoms instead of curing the problems to keep the money coming in.


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