Tuesday, February 14, 2023

This is a memory of a memory.

February 14, 2019


Friday, November 25, 2016
Evoked potential torture
The chicken shit little pussies hiding behind the radiation weapons are using the evoked potential weapon to keep me awake at night as well as the burning attacks with those radiation weapons. To do that they simply keep putting shit in my head all night. This basically causes my brain to keep active instead of shutting down for sleep. By grouping the evoked potential patterns and spacing them out they can cause entrainment as well, which would force my brain into a frequency that corresponds to being awake instead of asleep.
The overall effect of their torture attacks would be similar to trying to sleep in a daycare center with 50 screaming kids after drinking 5 pots of coffee.
They do this because I have a job that requires physical labor and I also have to pay attention as I operate an electric tugger. They want to make me tired and hope that I will not be able to do the physical part and/or make it so that I can not concentrate and end up destroying merchandise or hurting myself or someone else.
They do not care if someone else gets hurt as long as it has an adverse affect on my life. They are in effect snide little bitches with large weapon systems to overcompensate for their infinitesimal penises.
For you cowards and assholes that know about the torture and do nothing, I hope it is you or someone in your family that gets hurt when they make someone tired behind the wheel or on the job. Fucking morons.


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