Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The 'Alpha' nonsense
Applying the Alpha male or Alpha female titles to humans is fucking stupid. Those terms are used for other species of animals that live in groups and refer mainly to which animals get to breed or do most of the breeding. They breed to make the group stronger. The only reason that they are the supposed leaders is that they can kick all the other males or females asses.
The terms apply to wild animals. Domesticated animals are bred just for appearances sometimes. 
Sometimes domesticated animals are bred for strength or even viciousness. Those animals are not Alphas and are not in charge of anything. They do not have to look out for the groups survival.
Humans were, (probably still are in some places), bred for certain characteristics, especially when they were/are in captivity. Humans can effectively breed with whomever agrees to breed with them without any hierarchical selection process. There is no need for any Alpha assignments in humans.
The only people that push the Alpha garbage in humans are the pieces of shit that want to control others. It is nothing more than psychobabble crap.
Any human groups that would use the Alpha bullshit prove that they are no smarter than wild animals and as such deserve no more rights than those given to wild animals.
Try using that thing that separates humans from the other animal species sometimes. You know, the ability to use higher reasoning.


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