Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Thursday, February 15, 2018
Big brother, busy body garbage and "NO"
Once again I am posting while extremely pissed off at the nazi pig little punk ass bitches with the radiation weaponry. Today has been a particularly bad day of their constant attacks with images, words and the entrainment. Trust me, I would rip their throats out with my bare hands right this second if I could get a hold of the chicken shits.
I am going to start with the "No" crap. Every time I think or say out loud "Get this shit off my head" or "Get me out of this garbage weaponry" They answer with a 'loud' "NO" in the voice of the ignorant dj cunt Debra Hart. She was one of and most likely still is one of the scumbag pieces of shit in radio and television that took/take part in aiding in the torture attacks. I despise the whole celebrity crap and the people that it attracts.
The big brother and busy body stuff go hand in hand a lot of time. Going all the way back to the pieces of shit at the old Traveler's Club using intercoms to sit next door and listen in to the conversations of both employees and customers. Then using what they heard as gossip and/or to 'make things happen'. 
For instance if one person said that another person was good looking, the next day the second person would think that the first person wanted to have sex with them because of the garbage William and Jennifer pulling their bullshit.
Whether that was done by word of mouth or through the weaponry I do not know, but it is very similar to what the nazi pigs do with the weaponry now. I do not even have to think someone is good looking, they just want to start shit. Seems to be a recurring theme in this cesspool. Everyone doing it needs to die.
Also the busy body type shit of scum like William when he told a 17 year old girl that she could get her job back if she fucked me. (If I had heard him say it I would have thrown his runt ass through the front window into the street.) After she ran out he said "Maybe he doesn't like to fuck". guess what shrimp, 
You piece of shit employers that think that your employee's personal lives are any of your business need to have your asses beat down and you need to be put out of business.
You fucking weirdo garbage and your making whether or not I had sex or trying to find me someone are the reason that I would rather be dead than have sex in this piece of shit town. I literally hate garbage like you people and basically only have one thing to say to you; "FUCK OFF!"


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