Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February 14, 2019

I may mention the scum from the Travelers Club in a few of these posts, but that is because that is where the bullshit harassment started.
They are not my only enemies in this area.
I also hate, loathe, despise and detest all of the following and those closely associated with them from here or elsewhere:
Both day and night time garbage from the Mayfair bar.
The owners and a few of the staff from the old PlumCrazy sports bar which is now called the Blue Gill Grill.
BS&A software company. Owned by at least one asshole from Plum Crazy.
Sundance Chevrolet and everyone in the Hanks family that owns it.
Pretty much everyone that works in radio or television.
I would leave if I could, but that would screw me over even worse because of the fucking scum with the radiation weaponry.
If it were not for my cats and meeting some family, I wish that I had never even set foot in this area. Or met any of the criminal garbage from East Dayton.


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