Saturday, February 25, 2023

A little more on the Meijer bullshit called case count.

The whole thing is a scam to try and get people to pick faster while still making them stay for the overtime because they can't keep help in that shit hole.

They say that if you pick at 95% productivity for 8 hours you should make case count. 

That will only happen if you get hour long yogurt picks without aisle 37 added to them at 300 cases each.

8 hours - 2400 cases. 

I had 100% productivity for the week last week and never once made case count.

Those 300 piece yogurt picks are about 25 pages give or take a page or two. There are 16 stickers per page, but not all are pick items. Some say which aisle to move to and some say end of cube 1, which means that everything to that point should have been on one pallet. If you turn around and look you just shake your head because they are insane. Some say end of cube two. there is one that says end of pick and 8 that have a store number to put on each side of each pallet after you shrink wrap them.

For the record, stickering takes as long as pulling the cases when the stickers don't come off the page right.

When that happens you have to move even faster. 

There antiquated system is a fucking joke. 

Think about it, they actually pay people to sort through and separate the picks and restack then for the selectors to grab. 

They waste so much money on paper it is stupid. 

Their warehouse set-up is completely inefficient. 

If they had stock they would get investigated for not making their investors as much money as they could because they are idiots. 

Sea hag is one of those office people that monitor everyone's movement. 

I always tried to get a tugger with the electronic system that worked because it has a clock and I needed to know when it was time to eat. I tried to manage my blood sugar as best as I could. 

How it works is if whoever is sitting at the window likes you they will let you grab whatever order or orders that you want to grab. 

I started going to get my tugger ready before I even clocked in so that I could get to the window, grab an order and beat the pile up to wherever that order went.

So naturally the juice aisles started being on top, at least when sea hag was at the window. She likes the crazy lady picker. I don't dislike the crazy lady picker, I just shake my head at how fucking fast she is.

At 2 12 page juice aisle orders you have the time taking them to the dock they go to and going back to the office to get another pick. that takes twice the drop off and get next pick time as one 24 page yogurt order.

Those are minutes that you are not picking and you can not make them up. You can still make the picks at 100% and not have as many cases in the same time frame as juice takes longer because it is heavier and harder to pick.

With headsets you would automatically just get whatever pick was next after you dropped off the one before it. There would be no wasted time putting stupid stickers on every single box. Think about that for that 2700+ case day I had Wednesday.

There would be no stickers on the wrapped pallets either, but you would actually have to clear the docks so that the stores could be put where they go. Another reason to demolish that undersized shit hole called DC 85.

The main drawback for me with a headset would be that I would have to restrain from telling the assholes attacking me to fuck off. 

Meijer is more proof that Michigan is still in the 19th century. 

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