Friday, February 24, 2023

Meijer DC 85 is a typical Lansing operation where corporate doesn't really check into anything. 

Management forms a cabal covering each other's asses and lying to corporate about the operation. 

Like the cartoon I posted, if you complain management will team up and become the rest of the people in that boat. 

This town is notorious for that.

If you do not conform to being part of their hand holding group then the snide bitches will team up and try and fuck you out of a job. That includes not dating women that you work with.

I do not date men ever. I have to clarify that in tinkerbellville here.

Corporate offices have become so lazy and delicate that they do not want to check and they can't handle it if something is wrong. 

The above is pretty much what small town feel means. 


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