Thursday, February 16, 2023

This morning they had a 1st shift meeting at 9 am before we started working. In it they sad that they were going to start cutting back on the 12 hour shift crap. 

I got let go at 8:15pm which was 11 and 1/4 hours. 

I do not give a rat's ass if someone else works a 24 hour shift as long as I do not have to. 

Whatever situation you put yourself into that you need to work all that overtime is your problem not mine. You did the crime you do the time, I am not doing it for you.

Other than my breaks and my lunch, I keep working. I don't stand around talking. Even when the trainer comes around I keep working while talking to him. He has to check, I am still in the probationary period. 

As long as I am making the productivity why the fuck do I have to stay?

I was at 99%+ today and picked 2,200+ pieces. The piece count was shown as 1,800. 

Are there any decent jobs left in this country? 

A decent job pays enough to live on and you work 8 1/2 hours a day. 1/2 for lunch not paid. 

Then you can have a life outside of the job. That is how it is supposed to be. 

I enjoy sitting at home, watching movies, putting puzzles together, playing around on the computer, and most importantly playing with my cats. Why should I have to give up that time because you are a moron that put yourself into a situation that you need all that overtime?

I own my home. I have a 2021 vehicle that is almost paid off, I still owe $1700. I worked extra hours delivering so I could pay extra on the car and get it paid off.

You didn't have to work with me so I could. 

Well shit time to go to bed. Woohoo and hour to eat, feed the cats say hi to them and go to bed to start the shit again tomorrow. 

I fucking hate this country. 

Death to everyone involved in the evoked potential pattern weaponry.

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