Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2017
Can you fucking idiots think about anything else?
Once again I find myself writing about the attacks with the evoked potential weaponry at an hour when I should be asleep. I literally hate the fucking pieces of nazi pig shit with the radiation weapons.
Constant bombardment from these chicken shit cowards hiding behind the weaponry includes ignorant shit like "You want her now" or "You want him now", from just an everyday type interaction with someone. Every little thing I do these punk ass bitches try and turn into something about sex.
Who in this shit hole of an area would do something like that?
The assholes with the weaponry are just as bad as the scumbag, worthless pieces of shit that I had the misfortune of working with at the old Traveler's Club restaurant. Same type shit of trying to turn everything into some kind of sexual situation. Both groups, if they are not the same group, should kill themselves and the world would be a better place. William White is a short little pis ant of a human being, just for the record.
Working at the Aldi warehouse in Webberville is just as fucking bad.
One time at the Aldi warehouse, I was responding out loud to the bullshit that the pin-dicks with the evoked potential weaponry put into my head and one of the skanks that works there stated" Will you 
just shut up. We know you don't have sex."
I did have sex, before I moved to the Lansing area. I had quite a bit of sex with quite a few different women. You assholes in this area are what made me not want to have sex in this area. When it became everyone else's business it became a non-option. I hate your fucking bullshit. I did not move to Lansing to become famous or infamous. I did not want the fucking spotlight or to be the center of attention. I despise that kind of crap. You people did this shit to me and I will forever hate you for it.
Fuck off.
Freud and you amateur psychologists in this area that think you are so smart, when in reality you are complete morons, are wrong. Not everything in life is about sex. There are people that are nice to other people and even sometimes actually do things for other people and want nothing in return. Then there are conniving little weasels like this area seems to be full of that only do things for others if they get something out of it for themselves. I do not want anything to do with those conniving little weasels.
For the record, I do not even care about having sex anymore because of the torture. My life is ruined beyond repair because of you assholes. I get tortured every day because of you assholes. I do not want a relationship. I do not particularly even want to be friends with anyone here. I have interactions with people and try to be courteous and or professional. I may even joke around occasionally with very few people.
I do not want to be here in this area with or without the weaponry. I am stuck here. I have responsibilities here that I will not shirk. I tried before to move to a different state, but that was not good enough for the nazi pigs with the radiation weapons or the harassing pieces of garbage in the media. I want them all dead. Again, you fucking morons in this shit hole of an area basically ended my life or at least most of the enjoyment of being alive.
Gee fucking thanks.
Death to radiation weaponry. Death to cocaine. Death to the fuck cult. Fuck it, you can all die for all I give a shit.


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