Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Monday, October 30, 2017
Double standards in the workplace
Are there more than one set of rules where you work? Do some employees get preferential treatment?
Where I work, we were told not to bring cell phones out on the floor or to have ear buds in. I do not own a cell phone, so ear buds are not going to happen either. The other cleaners do. Yesterday at work,while out on the warehouse floor one of the pickers yelled to another picker to check her text. The pickers were about 70 feet apart. The exchange between texting and yelling comments back and forth went on for about 2 minutes or so.
Why are the pickers allowed to have their cell phones out and to text when they said the cleaners were not? Why is anyone allowed to have cell phones on the warehouse floor at all? They are a distraction and should be considered a safety violation worthy of termination.
The pickers also use products from the warehouse and cook meals in the break room for themselves which the cleaners and the lumpers are not welcome to eat. I have diabetes type 2 and pack my own lunch so I don't really give a shit, but it is still a double standard designed to let the others know that that companies employees are better. Well in their deluded minds anyway.
Management at the warehouse where I work allows their employees to have boom boxes out at various places with often times different types of music cranked up so that you can hear them several aisles away. Funny how the boom boxes get hidden when the presidential visits occur. I bet if the cleaners tried to bring in their own boom boxes they would get told to remove them. There should not be any music playing especially not loud music in a warehouse setting with powered industrial equipment that distractions could cause serious injury up to and including death.
Think about where you work and get the information about the bullshit out there so people know not to work there or to do business with the companies.
I'll keep looking for work elsewhere.


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