Thursday, February 9, 2023

Some ignorant cunt at Facebook is not letting my posts go through.

I logged on to a warning that a post I made violated their standards. The post was a shared memory of a post from 2019 on their fucking site. 

Death to PC cunts both male and female.  


Here is the post:

Once again I will write this, The coward with the radiation weaponry are nothing but chicken shit little pieces of garbage too afraid to come out from behind the weaponry. Most likely they are little pussy computer programmers or at least little pussies sitting at their computers using the weaponry to attack and torture people. They deserve to die. Everyone that covers up for them deserves to die with them.
Everyone involved in the harassment that led up to this shit getting used on me are sorry ass turds that deserve to be beaten to death for their bullshit.
I have no love for anyone until this weaponry is exposed and all involved in its development, usage and the cover up for are put to death.
I tried to give a shit at my last job and all I got was fucked over by pea brained idiots and lowlife pieces of shit that take things out of context and deserve whatever horrible fate they get.
From now on, if I can even get a job, I do it and that is the only reason I am there. Anyone that pushes any different I will beat you until I feel like stopping.
If I can not get a job in this town and be left alone to live my life then I am going to do everything in my power to burn this fucking shit hole to the ground.




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