Thursday, February 16, 2023

February 16, 2019


I am not depressed. I do not need nor will I take depression, "happy zombie" pills.

I am pissed off.
I am pissed off that I get tortured when I didn't do anything in the first place.
I am pissed off because i am stuck in a shit hole where all they do is coddle the kids that then turn into adults that think that there are no consequences for their actions.
I am pissed off because useless pieces of shit keep fucking with my lively hood. These fucking morons don't seem to get that I am trying to support myself nor do they seem to get it through their idiot heads that they deserve to get their fucking heads beat in for doing it.
I am pissed off because no one ever taught these ignorant turds that someone can say no to them.
I am pissed of because of PC garbage twisting words around and playing the victim when you call them on their bullshit.
I am pissed off because i tried very hard to stay out of the spotlight my whole life and all these gossiping, inbred,, ignorant, fucking pin dick, cunts do is put people in the spotlight by spreading shit all over town about them.
I am pissed off because I get fucked over by snide little bitches that can not handle that I am nice to them because I am a nice guy. I am not like their daddies, I am not even trying to get in their pants.
I am pissed off because i live in a sorry ass pussy little PC shit hole where people can fuck with me, but if I fight back I get in trouble.
Fuck off game playing cunts, male and female.

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