Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Monday, January 1, 2018
Mass media herding?
I just saw some serious bullshit on the local Lansing news. some psychobabble pushing person was on there talking about how you get more benefit from working out in a group with other people.
The easiest way to point out the bullshit of her statement is the simple fact that unless you have all day to spend at the gym you are not going to be able to use the equipment that you want to use if there is a large group and others are already using it. If you are time limited you may not be able to workout at all.
The more available the equipment is to use the better workout and the more benefits you will get from working out. Just make sure that you do find out how to use the equipment properly.
Not much need for "personal" trainers just using the group crap.
Most gyms that have group activities do so so that they can only pay one instructor and get money from a large number of people taking the class. That is for their profit, not because it is more beneficial for you.
I do understand that some people need encouragement or a little emotional support. That should only be needed occasionally unless you have no will power or are a pathetic twit that can't do anything without someone else holding their hand. Traumatic experiences aside, do you still look under your bed for monsters?
Being that easy to figure out what they are pushing is bullshit, you have to wonder why they are pushing it? At least if you actually use your brain for reasoning anyways.
Are they just stupid? Obviously they didn't think it through very well.
Perhaps they just want to keep pushing the herding bullshit so that people are afraid little sheep?
Perhaps they are paid by the people running the workout places to get people to just accept that the places are overcrowded so that they can make the maximum profit?
Perhaps people should stop just accepting what the psychobabble crowd pushes and start thinking for themselves? DUH.


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