Friday, February 10, 2023

Think about if for a minute.

Facebook put a post from me that supposedly violates their community standards into my memory posts to purposefully try and get me to repost it.

If it violated their community standards in 2019 when it was originally posted why was it put into my memories instead of deleted?

Did some butt hurt LGBT or redneck suddenly get offended by it?

Was the person offended part of the problem in the first place?

Do a bunch of sorry ass pieces of garbage think that they can harass anyone that they want to without repercussions? 

They do not have a right to spread false rumors. They do not have a right to twist someone's words around.

Speaking is an action and actions have consequences. 

Why is lying about yourself considered bad or even fraudulent, but lying about someone else is O.K.? 

If you are not sure what someone meant then you should ask them. 

Believing your asshole friends and running with the bullshit just makes you complicit.


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