Saturday, February 25, 2023

The number one reason that they tried to get rid of me and set me up in that inbred infested shit hole is that I didn't want to work 12 hour shifts. 

Every redneck in that place wants to clock milk it for 4 hours overtime every day. Almost all of them are on forklifts.

Few if any selectors want to pick for 12 hours. 

I even had one of the forklift rednecks sit in the next aisle and look at me and say take away our 12 hours and say we're cool. He was talking about me.

Listen up inbreds, I said that I didn't want to work overtime. I don't give a flying fuck if you move a cot in and sleep there.

Kirk, the guy that fired me, is a redneck.

Why wasn't the first shift manager or the head of the warehouse the one firing me?

I should have run over Kirk when he walked out in front of me instead of slamming on my brakes.

As a selector, I can tell you flat out that instead of pushing forward pallets there are certain forklift drivers in their that sit around and talk in groups of two or three.

Gee wonder why there are so many outs?

Outs have to be picked again later adding more time.

That warehouse needs to be restaffed. I can point out the ones that work and the ones that talk.

Fuck the union if they protect the ones that fuck around.

Unions were formed to protect the workers, not the clock milkers.

If the union works for the workers the company makes more money and the workers can make more money. There is more leeway to bargain for things, because the work gets done when it should. 

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