Thursday, February 16, 2023

Facebook memories.
February 16, 2019
I wonder how many 'people' in the Lansing area like it when the idiots teasing and poking the animal in the cage get what they have coming to them from the animal when it gets out of the cage?
I am not a wild animal and I will happily compare my IQ to any of theirs.
However, they have put me in a cage which I hate with the evoked potential weaponry that they hooked to me.
They keep trying to put me in more of a cage with their relationship crap that I am just not interested in.
They tried to put me in a cage by involving me in their criminal activities which I am not interested in being involved in.
They keep poking me and playing their games with me destroying my lively hood and jeopardizing my ability to take care of my cats.
They are the idiots mentioned in the first paragraph and they deserve what they are going to get.


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