Friday, February 24, 2023

Meijer DC 85 is a typical Lansing operation where corporate doesn't really check into anything. 

Management forms a cabal covering each other's asses and lying to corporate about the operation. 

Like the cartoon I posted, if you complain management will team up and become the rest of the people in that boat. 

This town is notorious for that.

If you do not conform to being part of their hand holding group then the snide bitches will team up and try and fuck you out of a job. That includes not dating women that you work with.

I do not date men ever. I have to clarify that in tinkerbellville here.

Corporate offices have become so lazy and delicate that they do not want to check and they can't handle it if something is wrong. 

The above is pretty much what small town feel means. 


 If you want a worker for 8 hours a day 40 hours a week with minimal overtime, hire me. If you pay enough for me to pay my bills with at least $18/Hr. 

If you want an ass kissing wienie or someone that wants to have work as their life then DO NOT hire me.

I am an exceptional route driver. 

I prefer a job where my work is mine and my time depends on when I get done with my work and not one where my time depends on everyone else getting their work done.

Clock milkers piss me off when it affects my leaving time.

 Before any of you morons say that all of them are filthy like Meijer. 

Wrong answer asshole. I did the cleaning crew at Aldi and that place was extremely clean.

 Here is what I just sent to MIOSHA:

Basically the whole warehouse is a hazard. They tell the selectors not to go into the racking system to pick product, but if you do not climb into it 100s of times a day you will get fired. There is spillage of products from liquids to cheeses to meat all over the warehouse. Those spills stay there for days in the aisles sometimes and from the smell have been under the racks for awhile. Especially in aisles 21 and 22 the juice and milk room. The racking system is broken in a lot of places and sometimes all the do is cordone off the bay with yellow tape so the forklift drivers do not put product in them. There are constantly pallets that have broken in the rack and the product is leaning precariously and could fall on a selector. They say that they provide hooks to pull product located on the second tier of the racks forward, but rarely is there one to be found. That means you literally have to climb up and reach back 4 feet to the back of the pallet to get the product. I am 6'3" tall and have to climb up. The pallets are not secured and move very easily. The forklift drivers and the selectors constantly run over product in the aisles and drag it all over the place. The floors are slippery from that product. I have seen raw chicken broken open and the juice from the packages dragged all over the meat room on the wheels of the tuggers and forklifts. They constantly spill produce and mash it with the wheels dragging it all over the place. Their whole culture is speed, speed, speed and nobody takes health concerns into account. They think that they are untouchable. Look at all the battery connections on the tuggers. There are many with visible wiring. Tuggers are what the selectors drive around the warehouse. Management knows about it, but won't do anything. If you complain they fire you. There are so many safety and health violations in that place that it should be forced to stop operating until they are fixed. Think about it, a selector could take an order to the dock and then drive through spilled chicken blood/juice or some sort of dairy product then drive straight back into produce to do another selection. Next time there is an ecoli or other bacteria outbreak you should look at the distribution warehouses. Take me with you on an inspection, I won't purposefully route you around the problems. I am also going to contact the Americans with Disabilities Act people about that warehouse not providing me with a place to store my blood sugar testing equipment as I am a diabetic.

Imagine that, Meijer pulled their bullshit on me today when it was slow instead of yesterday when there was 3 hours overtime. 

Use you up and spit you out is the Meijer culture. They truly are a garbage company.

Well the PC cunts strike again.

I had some words with one of the Porters as they call them at work. Porter = cleaning crew just the PC bullshit name like Custodial Engineers. 

He started the whole interaction, but I just got fired. He didn't even complain about it as far as I know. It was the seahag witch from the office that happened to be walking by. She is also a fat ass inbred redneck.

A busy body piece of lowlife shit sticking her nose in other people's business. Her nose should be removed from her face.

I have never even gotten a write up at that place. I actually meet their productivity standards. 

Once again though, being a worker isn't enough. You have to be a pussy ass, little bitch, ass-kissing, hand holding piece of worthless shit.

That is what Meijer brand should stand for. 

The union does nothing, but sell out the workers to keep the dues coming in.

They also added in a cartoon that I slipped under management's door. The whole message of the cartoon as I told them is about the fucking garbage screwing me over because I do not socialize at work. 

 I added a comment about how the world would be a better place without the morons in the boat that go off on the person trying to point out the problem.

The problem at DC 85 is Meijer. Their management there are a bunch of wienies in a cabal. Either kiss their asses or get screwed over. 

That warehouse is a death trap. The racking system is improperly secured to the floor in places and the have bent pieces in place with nothing but tape so none of the forklift drivers try to put anything in it. 

The juice room is disgusting. The smell of rotten milk and or creamers is nasty. The started cleaning the actual aisles, but the shit spilled under the racking is still there. It is both a slip and fall hazard as well as a health hazard.

They spill shit all over the place and it stays there for days sometimes. The selectors are pressured to move so fast that they just run over anything in the aisles. From cottage cheese to sour cream to literally shredded cheese in a bag gets squashed and left there.

If you are ever dumb enough to work there take your shoes off before your pets have a chance to lick anything off of them.

The whole place is complete bullshit. they claim a 200% accountability for safety, yet the selectors have to constantly climb into the racking system to pick product. 

A new guy almost fell down in the rack this morning. I am the one that told him to try to never put his foot inside of the crossbar in the middle when climbing into the racks.

They have been looking for any excuse to fire me because I do not want to stay there all night. 

It is a shit hole that only wants people willing to give up their lives so that the shit in Grand Rapids doesn't have to build a good warehouse. 

Every member of that management team in there should be fired. 

Fuck Meijer for having that group of assholes. Their brand should be just that. A shit company.

Even back when I first started one of the managers came up and started talking about all the overtime money. 

There are things more important than money. 

Everything is more important than Meijer DC 85.

I had already passed my 90 days and I was still on next weeks schedule.

Think about it, I picked more cases than most of them there. This week I was averaging 2500 cases a day.

Because of one nosy busybody cunt and sorry ass management now I might get fucked out of everything.

I told you that that place was a model reason for why people shoot up stuff. I wouldn't shoot the workers, but if I had a gun management would need to grow eyes in the backs of their heads.

As it is I can only wish the worst for them. I hope you all die painfully.

And you assholes in Grand Rapids need to suffer the same fate for keeping that shit hole operating like it is. 



They have this thing at work called a case count.

Everyone keeps telling me different things about when you have to make it by to leave. 

The trainer told me that you have to make it by 5pm and take no breaks to get it.

If that is the case then it is discrimination against people with diabetes. I have no choice but to take breaks to keep my blood sugar from being too low. 

I am picking at about 96% this week due to the new bullshit they started or went back to. Last week I was at 100%. I have never made case count that I know of in the time frame alloted.

I got out at 8pm last night due to more bullshit overtime being forced on me. I ended the night with 2446 cases.

I took my lunch, 1/2 hour and two 15 minute breaks. My actually working time was 10 hours. 

9am to 8 pm minus 1 hour for breaks.

That comes out to 244 cases per hour and I did not make case count?

If I make case count and they do not tell me I am going to go off on them, possibly physically.

Someone needs to post the way it is to make case count. 

Fuck all the bullshit rumors.

Case count yesterday was supposedly 1800. 200 cases an hour for 9 hours minus breaks to equal 8 hours is 1600 cases. 

244 cases per hour in 8 hours working time is 2196 cases????????

I have to take breaks, if that is fucking me into having to stay over in that shit hole I am going to contact the Americans with Disabilities Act people. 

Even in Michigan, you have to allow for breaks.

DC 85 is complete bullshit.

Conveniently, the busier it is the higher the case count, so you get fucked into the overtime crap. 

Some dumb ass actually set it up so that the slower you go the more money you can milk out of it through overtime. 

I am definitely going to get the fuck out of warehousing.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

I do not like working at DC 85. The warehouse system there is moronic. Using a Distribution Center as the backroom for stores and having every day deliveries is insane. 

That is why there is nothing on the shelves in certain stores that are very busy. They have no back stock to fill the shelves with. It is in the warehouse.

You can't tell me that it is nobody to work the back stock, because if that was the case the orders wouldn't keep coming in to the warehouse.

The stores should have back rooms/coolers for back stock. The back stock should have build-tos for high selling items so they do not run out of them. 

Even produce should have some back stock. 4 produce trucks a week should be sufficient for even the busiest stores once the build-tos have been established.

Build-tos also make stocking easier as the back stock is always in the same place and just gets worked. 

It is the same principle that convenience and grocery stores use with vendors that deliver directly to them.

If that is the way it is, my mistake. The problem would then be just too many stores out of one distribution center. 

I picked 2732 cases Wednesday. They kept us for 4 hours overtime. I got out 15 minutes before that as they had no small orders left and by contract they can not keep us past 4 hours overtime. 

I am too old for this shit.

The putrid pieces of shit with the weaponry quite often use "Had to find out what you wanted" in reference as to why they hooked me to their weaponry. 

Only a complete moron would fall for that bullshit.

Try asking? 

They hooked the weaponry to me to destroy my life. It is an attack and torture and they know that. 

They deserve to die.

If I get the proof either they will kill me or I will kill them. No exceptions.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Well I got off work at 8:49 pm tonight only because they can't keep us for more than 4 hours overtime. 

Apparently they started something new on Monday and I just got to it today.

They are adding aisle 37 to the aisles 35 - 30 yogurt picks. My last pick was 21 pages starting in 37 and ending in 32. 31 and 30 are mostly small items and not easy to keep a flat pallet while stacking. 

Aisle 37 is mostly juice type boxes or creamers. There is a logical reason that aisle 37 was separate from the 35 through 30 aisles. 

If you add aisle 37 in with the others the computer might very well cut the pick off before you get to aisle 30. That leaves another pick of small boxes that are difficult to keep level as you stack them and are not all that sturdy to put another pallet on top of them when they load the trucks. 

You could put that small pallet on top of another pallet, but you need one that can support it and is either level or 4 cornered to support the pallet on top.

Leaving aisle 37 by itself lefty a usually short pallet that was easy to at least 4 corner so they could stack another pallet on top if necessary.

Experienced selectors could sometimes take two picks if both went to the same store and combine them on 2 pallets to save room. 

It isn't smart nor fun to take two picks that turn into 25+ pages and try to put them on 2 pallets. 

It can bite you in the ass if the products are large. 

Leave the sturdier products to be stacked upon. 

Now that that is out of the way, fuck you panic shopping assholes. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

 I do not agree with everything on this site, but it is a decent place for viewpoints differing from the mas media to think about what the mass media is pushing.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

They let me out 1 1/2 hours early today. The work was done and I will gladly take and early day after all the overtime.

I cam home hugged all my kitty cats and relaxed in front of the computer.

I made myself dinner as usual, but actually had time to make a decent meal instead of just a salad.

I had pulled a hamburger out of the freezer this morning to thaw in the frig. 

I made it with some sauteed mushrooms and onions and Swiss cheese on top. I made a can of peas and carrots and some Wisconsin White Cheddar instant mash potatoes. 

Added a little of my less hot pepper blend to the peas and carrots. 

For the record the plate is Corelle. Me and my sister bought it for my mother when we were kids living in Kettering, Ohio. All but 1 large plate has made it this far. It is over 45 years old.

Kind of like me, old but still works well. 

That is my Muscle Milk Pro in the background. One scoop in water every morning before work.

 The assholes with the weaponry just used "They did all that for you" in their attacks.

My reply, "No they did all that to me for themselves".

I hate everyone involved in this shit.

The dumb ass happy zombie drug susceptible to suggestion crowd probably falls for their shit. I am not part of that crowd and never will be.


Well, the assholes are back at it with the sleep deprivation.

They like to use "experiment" when I point it out. 

Anyone and everyone involved in non-consensual human experimentation deserves to be executed for crimes against humanity. No exceptions. Especially for chicken shit cowards hiding behind national security cover up blankets.

All defense contractors need to be held responsible for their crimes.

The punishment should be severe.

Friday, February 17, 2023

 Shit. The pilot light went out on my furnace last night. It is freezing in here. 

I called work to tell them that I would be late. 

This could cost me my job.

 Maybe use this for a solution at work. 

When the scheduled shift is over ALL forklift drivers have to start selecting and the next shift takes over the forklifts. 

See how many of them want to be there for 12 hours then.

Fair is fair and seniority doesn't mean anything on a different shift. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

February 16, 2019


I am not depressed. I do not need nor will I take depression, "happy zombie" pills.

I am pissed off.
I am pissed off that I get tortured when I didn't do anything in the first place.
I am pissed off because i am stuck in a shit hole where all they do is coddle the kids that then turn into adults that think that there are no consequences for their actions.
I am pissed off because useless pieces of shit keep fucking with my lively hood. These fucking morons don't seem to get that I am trying to support myself nor do they seem to get it through their idiot heads that they deserve to get their fucking heads beat in for doing it.
I am pissed off because no one ever taught these ignorant turds that someone can say no to them.
I am pissed of because of PC garbage twisting words around and playing the victim when you call them on their bullshit.
I am pissed off because i tried very hard to stay out of the spotlight my whole life and all these gossiping, inbred,, ignorant, fucking pin dick, cunts do is put people in the spotlight by spreading shit all over town about them.
I am pissed off because I get fucked over by snide little bitches that can not handle that I am nice to them because I am a nice guy. I am not like their daddies, I am not even trying to get in their pants.
I am pissed off because i live in a sorry ass pussy little PC shit hole where people can fuck with me, but if I fight back I get in trouble.
Fuck off game playing cunts, male and female.

 Another memory

February 16, 2019


Here is why these pieces of shit keep fucking with me. they all know that i am getting attacked by the various radiation weapons. They want me to get put in jail where some lowlife that works for the government can declare me insane and basically chemically lobotomize me.

That is what the garbage in the Lansing area are really like. Then they act like it is my fault for not liking them.
Facebook memories.
February 16, 2019
I wonder how many 'people' in the Lansing area like it when the idiots teasing and poking the animal in the cage get what they have coming to them from the animal when it gets out of the cage?
I am not a wild animal and I will happily compare my IQ to any of theirs.
However, they have put me in a cage which I hate with the evoked potential weaponry that they hooked to me.
They keep trying to put me in more of a cage with their relationship crap that I am just not interested in.
They tried to put me in a cage by involving me in their criminal activities which I am not interested in being involved in.
They keep poking me and playing their games with me destroying my lively hood and jeopardizing my ability to take care of my cats.
They are the idiots mentioned in the first paragraph and they deserve what they are going to get.


This morning they had a 1st shift meeting at 9 am before we started working. In it they sad that they were going to start cutting back on the 12 hour shift crap. 

I got let go at 8:15pm which was 11 and 1/4 hours. 

I do not give a rat's ass if someone else works a 24 hour shift as long as I do not have to. 

Whatever situation you put yourself into that you need to work all that overtime is your problem not mine. You did the crime you do the time, I am not doing it for you.

Other than my breaks and my lunch, I keep working. I don't stand around talking. Even when the trainer comes around I keep working while talking to him. He has to check, I am still in the probationary period. 

As long as I am making the productivity why the fuck do I have to stay?

I was at 99%+ today and picked 2,200+ pieces. The piece count was shown as 1,800. 

Are there any decent jobs left in this country? 

A decent job pays enough to live on and you work 8 1/2 hours a day. 1/2 for lunch not paid. 

Then you can have a life outside of the job. That is how it is supposed to be. 

I enjoy sitting at home, watching movies, putting puzzles together, playing around on the computer, and most importantly playing with my cats. Why should I have to give up that time because you are a moron that put yourself into a situation that you need all that overtime?

I own my home. I have a 2021 vehicle that is almost paid off, I still owe $1700. I worked extra hours delivering so I could pay extra on the car and get it paid off.

You didn't have to work with me so I could. 

Well shit time to go to bed. Woohoo and hour to eat, feed the cats say hi to them and go to bed to start the shit again tomorrow. 

I fucking hate this country. 

Death to everyone involved in the evoked potential pattern weaponry.

Yesterday at work ended weirdly. 

I finished a pick and went to get another one and the office person told me to go home?

I am not sure if it was because I had reached a case count or not. 

Overtime in that job is not fun. 

Very, very physical job. It is basically like working in a factory. Repetitive physical labor. Just more moving around the place.

I was so happy to be done that I forgot to enter the delays for the last pick and I had a 5 minute clean up.

When I separated the two pallets to shrink wrap them the back end of the front pallet collapsed and I had to rebuild it. Doesn't happen often, but it will happen to everyone occasionally. 

No matter how sturdy you think the stacks are, if a bump in the floor causes them to separate a little at the bottom and you keep stacking without noticing it then your pallet will be top heavy and ready to tip at the back or the front of the back pallet. 

Yesterday was so annoying with the music so loud. It was like being in a disco. Disco sucks. 

Today will probably be like a country and western bar. Maybe it will be the new rock station with crappy music most of the time.

Silence is golden.

I won't take a cell phone out on the floor as it would probably end up broken. I don't own any earphones anyways. 

Once again I got little sleep last night because of the lowlife turds with the weapon systems. They need to die.

It all adds up to a bunch of crap trying to fuck me out of my income to make me lose my residence and my cats. The punk ass cunts with the weaponry like to use the "Make a man out of you" bullshit about having my cat put to sleep.

I will kill everyone of them if I find them. Fuck anyone that doesn't like it.

Real men don't hide behind weaponry to attack and torture people. Only piss ant little bitches do that.

Anyone hiding these people deserves to die with them. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Excellent article. I am an introvert. Please visit the link, but just in case they take the article down I am going to copy it for future reference.


Once again the nazi pigs with the weaponry don't let me sleep properly.

Anyone and everyone that condones their attacks deserves to die. 

I did nothing to you fucking pieces of shit.

I will never conform to your PC bullshit and would like to exterminate you all.

I will never take part in your workplace fuck cults.

I will never be religious. There is no such thing as a god. 

I will never be a criminal or in a criminal organization.

I will never be a proponent of capitalism.

I will never be gay or bisexual.

I will never push nationalistic propaganda.

I will always think.

I will always look a gift horse in the mouth. There might be Trojan soldiers in there.

I will always fight "Big Brother".

I will always fight bullshit no matter who is pushing it.

I will always be one of the good guys.

Commercial property should be taxed by the cubic foot not the square foot.

That stops the ignorant racking systems and spreads out the warehouses so that they are safer and more efficient.

More roof space is more space for solar panels or wind turbines.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wake the fuck up people. The tech industry is not your friend.

The so called Tech Revolution only consolidated money into fewer hands.

The goal of these people is to use technology to increase profits. 

Their number one expense is payroll.

You are the payroll.

Capitalism is at the point of no return. 

Greed has taken over everything.

The only way that workers will ever have what they deserve is to get rid of capitalism.

Fuck the entertainment industries that capitulate to the money. 

End the tax write off for advertising.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Jeopardy and my mother
Well it would seem that I am going to have to give up the only/best quality time that I spend with my elderly and disabled mother.
Monday through Friday I stop whatever I am doing at 7:30 p.m. to go into the living room and play 
Jeopardy with my mother. She gets a real kick out of it when the answers are loaded with literature type stuff and she kicks my butt.
I usually go to bed shortly if not immediately afterwards if I have a first shift job. If I had a third shift job, I would simply get up at 7 and be ready to go at 7:30 then get ready for work after.
Unfortunately so far the only jobs that I have received a positive response from are 2nd shift jobs. You know, that shift that no one likes because it screws up your whole frigging day. If I wanted 2nd shift I would just go back into the slimy world of restaurant work.
I have to work for an income because of the way shit is. I would prefer a different system than capitalism as long as there are no dictators. Which means that I will take the best position offered.
Making me give up my time with my mom is not a way of endearing yourself/yourselves to me. It will just make me hate this area even more.
I do not have that much money left in the bank as it has already been a month without a job in this 'small town' crap hole. I prefer a city where you can quit one job and walk next door to get another and they never even heard of you. Of course that also would get rid of the whole online application process that I hate.
I am definitely more of either an early morning or late night type of person.
I even told a temporary staff agency interviewer that I didn't want to work for GM, its suppliers or 2nd shift.
I do not really care what you think about me spending time with my mom. It means something to me, fuck you.


Monday, December 10, 2018
Humans are social animals?
I wonder if the so-called experts even know what the fuck the statement that "humans are social animals" means or where it came from.
It has nothing to do with the bullshit called social networking. It stems from a time when there wasn't much technology and humans had to live together in groups to survive. They had to have a structure withing the group or the group would not function very well and they would be more likely to die.
Technology, including tools, has made that a moot point. It is completely possible to survive as an individual if you have access to the technology to start with and can repair it if needed.
Since most humans do live in an area with other humans and they depend upon each other getting certain things done then some sort of structure does tend to exist. However there is no need at all to socialize. It is not a requirement of existence or survival.
Therefore humans can no longer be categorized as social animals.
The useless scumbags that pass as psychologists and psychiatrists these days are nothing more than money grubbing assholes that would rather push what the government tells them to or just treat symptoms instead of curing the problems to keep the money coming in.


Friday, December 7, 2018
I do not date women that I work with
If you wonder why I keep pointing out that I am not interested in dating anyone at all right now, it is BECAUSE THE PSYOPS PIS-ANT LITTLE PUNKS HIDING BEHIND THE RADIATION WEAPONRY WON'T FUCKING STOP PUSHING IT.
Every fucking day the assholes just keep pushing that crap. Over and over and over. They remind me of the pieces of shit from the Traveler's Club and how much they pushed sex, sex, sex. They all need to die.
The fuckwad psyops punks use the same shit that they used. I can not even talk to someone without them starting their bullshit. If I do happen to think that a female is good looking then they automatically start in on whatever bullshit they can to piss me off.
This shit is not funny, it is torture.
It should be proven to be possible and then completely and totally eradicated. A system should be put into place to detect the broadcasts. Anyone caught doing the broadcasts gets the automatic death penalty.
I will not under any circumstance have sex while this shit is hooked to me. I am not interested in having a relationship or at this point even making friends or just partying with anyone.
I want this fucking shit off of me. Death to all that got this shit hooked to me or me hooked to it.
The fucking scum in this town are the ones that were pushing the sexual harassment, not me. I kept saying NO.
I hate every single one of them to the point of wanting them dead.


Saturday, May 12, 2018
You can deserve to get your ass kicked
When you push and push and push someone with your insults, harassment, rumors or taunts and they decide that they have had enough and beat you down for it, YOU FUCKING DESERVED IT.
I want to know what exactly I was doing to anyone to deserve the harassment and eventual torture and destruction of my life?
Seriously, WTF?
You people, the ones involved, did this to me because you are pieces of fucking shit. I want the whole world to know just how fucked up you pieces of shit are.


Thursday, February 15, 2018
Big brother, busy body garbage and "NO"
Once again I am posting while extremely pissed off at the nazi pig little punk ass bitches with the radiation weaponry. Today has been a particularly bad day of their constant attacks with images, words and the entrainment. Trust me, I would rip their throats out with my bare hands right this second if I could get a hold of the chicken shits.
I am going to start with the "No" crap. Every time I think or say out loud "Get this shit off my head" or "Get me out of this garbage weaponry" They answer with a 'loud' "NO" in the voice of the ignorant dj cunt Debra Hart. She was one of and most likely still is one of the scumbag pieces of shit in radio and television that took/take part in aiding in the torture attacks. I despise the whole celebrity crap and the people that it attracts.
The big brother and busy body stuff go hand in hand a lot of time. Going all the way back to the pieces of shit at the old Traveler's Club using intercoms to sit next door and listen in to the conversations of both employees and customers. Then using what they heard as gossip and/or to 'make things happen'. 
For instance if one person said that another person was good looking, the next day the second person would think that the first person wanted to have sex with them because of the garbage William and Jennifer pulling their bullshit.
Whether that was done by word of mouth or through the weaponry I do not know, but it is very similar to what the nazi pigs do with the weaponry now. I do not even have to think someone is good looking, they just want to start shit. Seems to be a recurring theme in this cesspool. Everyone doing it needs to die.
Also the busy body type shit of scum like William when he told a 17 year old girl that she could get her job back if she fucked me. (If I had heard him say it I would have thrown his runt ass through the front window into the street.) After she ran out he said "Maybe he doesn't like to fuck". guess what shrimp, 
You piece of shit employers that think that your employee's personal lives are any of your business need to have your asses beat down and you need to be put out of business.
You fucking weirdo garbage and your making whether or not I had sex or trying to find me someone are the reason that I would rather be dead than have sex in this piece of shit town. I literally hate garbage like you people and basically only have one thing to say to you; "FUCK OFF!"


Monday, January 1, 2018
Mass media herding?
I just saw some serious bullshit on the local Lansing news. some psychobabble pushing person was on there talking about how you get more benefit from working out in a group with other people.
The easiest way to point out the bullshit of her statement is the simple fact that unless you have all day to spend at the gym you are not going to be able to use the equipment that you want to use if there is a large group and others are already using it. If you are time limited you may not be able to workout at all.
The more available the equipment is to use the better workout and the more benefits you will get from working out. Just make sure that you do find out how to use the equipment properly.
Not much need for "personal" trainers just using the group crap.
Most gyms that have group activities do so so that they can only pay one instructor and get money from a large number of people taking the class. That is for their profit, not because it is more beneficial for you.
I do understand that some people need encouragement or a little emotional support. That should only be needed occasionally unless you have no will power or are a pathetic twit that can't do anything without someone else holding their hand. Traumatic experiences aside, do you still look under your bed for monsters?
Being that easy to figure out what they are pushing is bullshit, you have to wonder why they are pushing it? At least if you actually use your brain for reasoning anyways.
Are they just stupid? Obviously they didn't think it through very well.
Perhaps they just want to keep pushing the herding bullshit so that people are afraid little sheep?
Perhaps they are paid by the people running the workout places to get people to just accept that the places are overcrowded so that they can make the maximum profit?
Perhaps people should stop just accepting what the psychobabble crowd pushes and start thinking for themselves? DUH.


Monday, October 30, 2017
While everyone is talking about sexual harassment
Men are not the only ones guilty of sexual harassment. Women do it as well.
I have a non-fraternization policy for myself. That means that I do not date women that I work with. It also means that I do not socialize with any co-workers outside of the workplace. (I am straight so I do not date men ever.)
Those policies will never change for myself.
When I state at work that I do not date women that I work with and the women either know this, or there is a pretty reasonable expectation that they do because of all the gossiping, and they still try to get me to date women there, THAT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT.
When I state in the work place that I am straight and/or that I do not date men ever and they try to get me to date men then that also constitutes sexual harassment. (Just because I did not capitalize it in the previous sentence does not mean that it is not as bad.)
The comments that I overhear made between co-workers concerning me having sex with other co-workers is both sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. Like "I think we found one that he......." the conversation trailed off when they saw that I was looking because I could hear them.
It is not going to happen and if I get proof on the harassment I will sue all companies involved off the face of the Earth.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The 'Alpha' nonsense
Applying the Alpha male or Alpha female titles to humans is fucking stupid. Those terms are used for other species of animals that live in groups and refer mainly to which animals get to breed or do most of the breeding. They breed to make the group stronger. The only reason that they are the supposed leaders is that they can kick all the other males or females asses.
The terms apply to wild animals. Domesticated animals are bred just for appearances sometimes. 
Sometimes domesticated animals are bred for strength or even viciousness. Those animals are not Alphas and are not in charge of anything. They do not have to look out for the groups survival.
Humans were, (probably still are in some places), bred for certain characteristics, especially when they were/are in captivity. Humans can effectively breed with whomever agrees to breed with them without any hierarchical selection process. There is no need for any Alpha assignments in humans.
The only people that push the Alpha garbage in humans are the pieces of shit that want to control others. It is nothing more than psychobabble crap.
Any human groups that would use the Alpha bullshit prove that they are no smarter than wild animals and as such deserve no more rights than those given to wild animals.
Try using that thing that separates humans from the other animal species sometimes. You know, the ability to use higher reasoning.


Monday, October 30, 2017
Double standards in the workplace
Are there more than one set of rules where you work? Do some employees get preferential treatment?
Where I work, we were told not to bring cell phones out on the floor or to have ear buds in. I do not own a cell phone, so ear buds are not going to happen either. The other cleaners do. Yesterday at work,while out on the warehouse floor one of the pickers yelled to another picker to check her text. The pickers were about 70 feet apart. The exchange between texting and yelling comments back and forth went on for about 2 minutes or so.
Why are the pickers allowed to have their cell phones out and to text when they said the cleaners were not? Why is anyone allowed to have cell phones on the warehouse floor at all? They are a distraction and should be considered a safety violation worthy of termination.
The pickers also use products from the warehouse and cook meals in the break room for themselves which the cleaners and the lumpers are not welcome to eat. I have diabetes type 2 and pack my own lunch so I don't really give a shit, but it is still a double standard designed to let the others know that that companies employees are better. Well in their deluded minds anyway.
Management at the warehouse where I work allows their employees to have boom boxes out at various places with often times different types of music cranked up so that you can hear them several aisles away. Funny how the boom boxes get hidden when the presidential visits occur. I bet if the cleaners tried to bring in their own boom boxes they would get told to remove them. There should not be any music playing especially not loud music in a warehouse setting with powered industrial equipment that distractions could cause serious injury up to and including death.
Think about where you work and get the information about the bullshit out there so people know not to work there or to do business with the companies.
I'll keep looking for work elsewhere.


Friday, October 6, 2017
Can you fucking idiots think about anything else?
Once again I find myself writing about the attacks with the evoked potential weaponry at an hour when I should be asleep. I literally hate the fucking pieces of nazi pig shit with the radiation weapons.
Constant bombardment from these chicken shit cowards hiding behind the weaponry includes ignorant shit like "You want her now" or "You want him now", from just an everyday type interaction with someone. Every little thing I do these punk ass bitches try and turn into something about sex.
Who in this shit hole of an area would do something like that?
The assholes with the weaponry are just as bad as the scumbag, worthless pieces of shit that I had the misfortune of working with at the old Traveler's Club restaurant. Same type shit of trying to turn everything into some kind of sexual situation. Both groups, if they are not the same group, should kill themselves and the world would be a better place. William White is a short little pis ant of a human being, just for the record.
Working at the Aldi warehouse in Webberville is just as fucking bad.
One time at the Aldi warehouse, I was responding out loud to the bullshit that the pin-dicks with the evoked potential weaponry put into my head and one of the skanks that works there stated" Will you 
just shut up. We know you don't have sex."
I did have sex, before I moved to the Lansing area. I had quite a bit of sex with quite a few different women. You assholes in this area are what made me not want to have sex in this area. When it became everyone else's business it became a non-option. I hate your fucking bullshit. I did not move to Lansing to become famous or infamous. I did not want the fucking spotlight or to be the center of attention. I despise that kind of crap. You people did this shit to me and I will forever hate you for it.
Fuck off.
Freud and you amateur psychologists in this area that think you are so smart, when in reality you are complete morons, are wrong. Not everything in life is about sex. There are people that are nice to other people and even sometimes actually do things for other people and want nothing in return. Then there are conniving little weasels like this area seems to be full of that only do things for others if they get something out of it for themselves. I do not want anything to do with those conniving little weasels.
For the record, I do not even care about having sex anymore because of the torture. My life is ruined beyond repair because of you assholes. I get tortured every day because of you assholes. I do not want a relationship. I do not particularly even want to be friends with anyone here. I have interactions with people and try to be courteous and or professional. I may even joke around occasionally with very few people.
I do not want to be here in this area with or without the weaponry. I am stuck here. I have responsibilities here that I will not shirk. I tried before to move to a different state, but that was not good enough for the nazi pigs with the radiation weapons or the harassing pieces of garbage in the media. I want them all dead. Again, you fucking morons in this shit hole of an area basically ended my life or at least most of the enjoyment of being alive.
Gee fucking thanks.
Death to radiation weaponry. Death to cocaine. Death to the fuck cult. Fuck it, you can all die for all I give a shit.


Once again a memory of a previous post. 

February 14, 2019

Saturday, June 24, 2017
Sexual harassment
The laws/rules about it apply to women as well. I have repeatedly stated that I do not date/have sex/fraternize with women that I work with. I do not date men period nor do I hang out with co-workers. 
Any comments made towards or about myself regarding having sex or dating other employees constitute sexual harassment and make where I work a hostile work environment. These comments should get the person or persons fired. If that does not happen then the person getting harassed should get a lawyer and sue the company into the stone age.
From the EEOC website and the official laws/rules about it:
It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.
Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.
Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex.
Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).
The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.
I used to not give a shit about dating women that I work with, (before 1992). That is not the case now. NO. NO. NO. A fucking thousand times NO.
I also will not do your work while you engage in making dates with other employees, nor will I work harder or not be able to do my job because you are trying to get in someone's pants or are playing kissy face on the job. I do not care if anyone ever has sex again.


 Another memory of a previous post.

February 14, 2019


I grew up in a suburb, Kettering, of a medium sized city, Dayton, Ohio. A city that acted like a city and not like a small town. The small town bullshit of everyone having their heads up everyone else's asses did not happen there. That kind of shit was a good way to get your ass kicked.
There, you could actually have a conversation with someone without that someone running around telling everyone they met what you said or what they twisted what you really said into. People actually had other things to talk about.
No one cared if you got laid or not, nor was it any of their business.
You could say "Hi" to people without them thinking that you wanted to have sex with them.
You could go to work and do your job because you wanted a paycheck to be able to live your life elsewhere and no one got butt hurt about it. No one thought that you only kept going to that job because you must want someone there.
You went to work and did your job because if you did not do your job you got fired.
If you tried this weaponry bullshit there, people would say something about it. People would probably do something about it instead of being chicken shits.
I do not want to be part of your small town crap. Unless you read my blog, which I would not have to write if it wasn't for all of you assholes spreading bullshit and attacking me with the radiation weaponry, or I tell you personally, my life is none of your fucking business.
I despise, loathe and detest what you fucking morons have turned my life into. I will never just accept it, I will fight it until I die.

This is a memory of a memory.

February 14, 2019


Friday, November 25, 2016
Evoked potential torture
The chicken shit little pussies hiding behind the radiation weapons are using the evoked potential weapon to keep me awake at night as well as the burning attacks with those radiation weapons. To do that they simply keep putting shit in my head all night. This basically causes my brain to keep active instead of shutting down for sleep. By grouping the evoked potential patterns and spacing them out they can cause entrainment as well, which would force my brain into a frequency that corresponds to being awake instead of asleep.
The overall effect of their torture attacks would be similar to trying to sleep in a daycare center with 50 screaming kids after drinking 5 pots of coffee.
They do this because I have a job that requires physical labor and I also have to pay attention as I operate an electric tugger. They want to make me tired and hope that I will not be able to do the physical part and/or make it so that I can not concentrate and end up destroying merchandise or hurting myself or someone else.
They do not care if someone else gets hurt as long as it has an adverse affect on my life. They are in effect snide little bitches with large weapon systems to overcompensate for their infinitesimal penises.
For you cowards and assholes that know about the torture and do nothing, I hope it is you or someone in your family that gets hurt when they make someone tired behind the wheel or on the job. Fucking morons.


February 14, 2019

I may mention the scum from the Travelers Club in a few of these posts, but that is because that is where the bullshit harassment started.
They are not my only enemies in this area.
I also hate, loathe, despise and detest all of the following and those closely associated with them from here or elsewhere:
Both day and night time garbage from the Mayfair bar.
The owners and a few of the staff from the old PlumCrazy sports bar which is now called the Blue Gill Grill.
BS&A software company. Owned by at least one asshole from Plum Crazy.
Sundance Chevrolet and everyone in the Hanks family that owns it.
Pretty much everyone that works in radio or television.
I would leave if I could, but that would screw me over even worse because of the fucking scum with the radiation weaponry.
If it were not for my cats and meeting some family, I wish that I had never even set foot in this area. Or met any of the criminal garbage from East Dayton.


 Since Facebook has restricted my account over bullshit I will post memories here so I don't have to wait another year to see them again.


Monday, December 17, 2018
How is it legal to....
After filling out many, many applications for employment, I have to ask the question, how and why is it legal to ask someone for references??
Seriously, it shouldn't even be legal to ask for personal or job references. Think about it. It is or at least was illegal to ask previous employers anything other than to verify dates of employment or specific job related questions pertaining to drug testing or maybe absenteeism.
The only reason to even have the reference section would be to try and bypass those laws. That could lead to discrimination.
That said, some employers go one step further and specifically ask for business/work references that are not related to you and not previous supervisors. So anyone that has a no-fraternization policy is not qualified for the job? WTF???
I guess now-a-days it is more important to socialize with your co-workers than to do your job?? What a crock of shit.
Never in my life on any application have I listed references that would not qualify as personal references.
I do not want to socialize with my co-workers. I do not even need to know the town that they live in let alone their address and phone number.
Work/life balance means you don't spend your life with people that you work with as well.
Ever notice how the scumbag CEOs start pushing bullshit to get you to spend your whole existence making them money???

There is some kind of pay by piece bullshit at Meijer warehouse. If they do that to circumvent overtime after 40 hours it is illegal. Federal law not Michigan bullshit.

Michigan has some of the worst laws in the country. 

Companies can not circumvent overtime after 40 hours unless they put you on a salary. 

Shove your pay by piece bullshit up your ass and die with it. 

I see how people on that shit pick and fuck you. They don't pull empty pallets and some pick shit while still moving on their tugger.

Not to mention that Sunday my percentage was at 98.8. It took me 9.5 hours to get the piece count of 2200. I ended up with 2234. 

To get the piece count in 8 hours I would have to pick at around 110%. Figure it out this way, 2200 divided by 8 = 275 pieces an hour. 

 In that warehouse you can not be safe and pick 275 pieces an hour. Depending on the orders that you get you may end up picking in juice all day and only get 1500 cases in 8 hours. You will still be close to 100% productivity.

Juice should be its own section with its own selectors. 

I do not want to be one of them.

If Meijer plays games with people's paychecks, they need to be investigated and shut down by the Federal government.  

Fuck the Union contract bullshit and the arbitration crap.

Illegal is illegal. 

Go to the U.S. Department of Labor wage division.


Sunday, February 12, 2023

 This job is fucking killing me. Yesterday I tried to go fast all day. To keep my percentage above 95. I was higher than it showed at the end of the day, but I forgot to scan out my last "outs" pick so the time was added to the pick before it and it was way down. I still ended up at 100% for the day. 

This morning, I can barely walk. To go that fast you have to step off the ride while it is moving. The only other option would be to literally run while selecting. 

A transfer wouldn't make much difference as my knees would still be fucked.  

I need to be out of that kind of warehouse or in one that works a lot less hours.

I may have to stick it out until my car is paid off, but once that bill is gone I am getting something that is less wear and tear on my body.

Someone here seems intent on injuring me physically. The feeling is mutual. 

When I get the proof on whoever is behind making so that I can't get a good job that I can do, I am going after your entire fucking family.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

So far this week every day at work has been from 9 am to 8 pm. 

This shit is killing me. 

The job isn't that bad when you first start out and do not have to stay overtime. 

At first your productivity is only 50% going up 5% per week until 95% at the end of your 90 days.

Most people do not make it through their 90 days. 

After 30 days you have to stay for 1 hour of the overtime. 

1 more week and it is 2 hour of the overtime. 

Most people either quit or can not keep up with the productivity at that point. 

It literally turns into pick faster and stay longer (insert sound of bullwhip here). 

If you do make it through your probationary period, your reward is more work.

New people keep coming and going and you get stuck with the overtime work as they go home. 

A little overtime isn't necessarily a bad thing, but 3 hours every single night sucks shit.

They can keep you for 4 hours every night.

What the fuck good are unions if that is the shit you end up with?

I am amazed as much as this town runs at the mouth that anyone even applies there anymore. 

The people that I got hired in with are slowly disappearing. They would probably fire me except I have been over 95% for the past 3 weeks. 

The overtime is making me slow down. nothing I can do about it, I am 57 years old and have type 2 diabetes. 

When the youngins can't do it WTF??

Facebook is run by cunts.

Their so called community standards are complete bullshit that they enforce against anyone that speaks out against them or their crap.

According to their standards, I am not allowed to let people know that I will defend myself against their harassment including the use of physical defense.

According to their standards I am not allowed to write hypotheticals. When a statement start with "If" it is a hypothetical situation.

If a horror novelist posted a draft on Facebook, it should get their account restricted by what they restrict mine for. Same for a crime writer. 

I fucking hate this world run by computer nerds and PC cunts.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Think about if for a minute.

Facebook put a post from me that supposedly violates their community standards into my memory posts to purposefully try and get me to repost it.

If it violated their community standards in 2019 when it was originally posted why was it put into my memories instead of deleted?

Did some butt hurt LGBT or redneck suddenly get offended by it?

Was the person offended part of the problem in the first place?

Do a bunch of sorry ass pieces of garbage think that they can harass anyone that they want to without repercussions? 

They do not have a right to spread false rumors. They do not have a right to twist someone's words around.

Speaking is an action and actions have consequences. 

Why is lying about yourself considered bad or even fraudulent, but lying about someone else is O.K.? 

If you are not sure what someone meant then you should ask them. 

Believing your asshole friends and running with the bullshit just makes you complicit.


Thursday, February 9, 2023


 Now the fucking little pussy poieces of shit at Facebook made it so I can't post or even message relatives for 29 days for sharing amemory that they brought to my attention.

Personally, I would like to see every fucking piece of shit that works for Facebook and their families exterminated.