Well the PC cunts strike again.
I had some words with one of the Porters as they call them at work. Porter = cleaning crew just the PC bullshit name like Custodial Engineers.
He started the whole interaction, but I just got fired. He didn't even complain about it as far as I know. It was the seahag witch from the office that happened to be walking by. She is also a fat ass inbred redneck.
A busy body piece of lowlife shit sticking her nose in other people's business. Her nose should be removed from her face.
I have never even gotten a write up at that place. I actually meet their productivity standards.
Once again though, being a worker isn't enough. You have to be a pussy ass, little bitch, ass-kissing, hand holding piece of worthless shit.
That is what Meijer brand should stand for.
The union does nothing, but sell out the workers to keep the dues coming in.
They also added in a cartoon that I slipped under management's door. The whole message of the cartoon as I told them is about the fucking garbage screwing me over because I do not socialize at work.
I added a comment about how the world would be a better place without the morons in the boat that go off on the person trying to point out the problem.
The problem at DC 85 is Meijer. Their management there are a bunch of wienies in a cabal. Either kiss their asses or get screwed over.
That warehouse is a death trap. The racking system is improperly secured to the floor in places and the have bent pieces in place with nothing but tape so none of the forklift drivers try to put anything in it.
The juice room is disgusting. The smell of rotten milk and or creamers is nasty. The started cleaning the actual aisles, but the shit spilled under the racking is still there. It is both a slip and fall hazard as well as a health hazard.
They spill shit all over the place and it stays there for days sometimes. The selectors are pressured to move so fast that they just run over anything in the aisles. From cottage cheese to sour cream to literally shredded cheese in a bag gets squashed and left there.
If you are ever dumb enough to work there take your shoes off before your pets have a chance to lick anything off of them.
The whole place is complete bullshit. they claim a 200% accountability for safety, yet the selectors have to constantly climb into the racking system to pick product.
A new guy almost fell down in the rack this morning. I am the one that told him to try to never put his foot inside of the crossbar in the middle when climbing into the racks.
They have been looking for any excuse to fire me because I do not want to stay there all night.
It is a shit hole that only wants people willing to give up their lives so that the shit in Grand Rapids doesn't have to build a good warehouse.
Every member of that management team in there should be fired.
Fuck Meijer for having that group of assholes. Their brand should be just that. A shit company.
Even back when I first started one of the managers came up and started talking about all the overtime money.
There are things more important than money.
Everything is more important than Meijer DC 85.
I had already passed my 90 days and I was still on next weeks schedule.
Think about it, I picked more cases than most of them there. This week I was averaging 2500 cases a day.
Because of one nosy busybody cunt and sorry ass management now I might get fucked out of everything.
I told you that that place was a model reason for why people shoot up stuff. I wouldn't shoot the workers, but if I had a gun management would need to grow eyes in the backs of their heads.
As it is I can only wish the worst for them. I hope you all die painfully.
And you assholes in Grand Rapids need to suffer the same fate for keeping that shit hole operating like it is.