The assholes with the weaponry are at it again so I will reiterate:
If I wanted to be a criminal why the fuck would I have left Dayton in the first place?
I moved here because I didn't want to be a criminal, anywhere.
I did not spread rumors about who I supposedly knew or who I was supposely connected to.
The fucking idiot brigade here did that. I want every fucking one of them silenced permanently.
The nazi cunts just tried their bullshit again with one image motioning to another image and using the words " O.K. He' out of it". I was never in it you fucking pieces of ignorant lowlife shit.
When I find the motherfucking piece of shit that got this crap used on me I am going to slaughter their whole fucking family.
I have been getting tortured since the end of 19fucking99. Because of the idiots in this fucking shit hole.
If I had the money to get my stuff and my cats out of here safely and a job and home somewhere else I would have left the day after my mother died.
I hate living here.
You fucking snide little bitches won't leave me alone to work and save enough money to leave. I want everyone involved in that dead.
I will not be homeless. I will kill until the corrupt cops here kill me.
Anyone that wants this fucking bullshit weaponry hooked to me or anyone else deserves to die.
I did nothing but move here and try and get my feet under me. But the useless sack of shit LGBT community couldn't stop pushing their sex, sex, sex crap.
I would exterminate all of you worldwide right now if I could because of the shit here.
Yes, that would be the ecstasy head worthless garbage from the Travelers Club and all their friends.
They spread shit about me all over this fucking town and I hate them for it.
They are also a large part of the piece of shit PC crowd that fucks you over and then when you get pissed tries to act like they are the victim. The world would be abetter place without everyone like that.
I want a fucking job that won't literally kill me physically. I want to pay my bills and when I get enough money saved up to get my cats and my belongings out of this fucking state I will be gone.
Now the cunts with the weaponry use the "Why don't you ask your rich friends to borrow the money"? bullshit.
I made a comment that was a rant agreeing with the piece of shit lowlife across the table from me talking about how the bar was getting run down and he was going to have to tell Steve (Fata) to spend some money in there. I stated "I should ask my rich friends to loan me the money to buy him out of here".
I wasn't going to ask anyone for anything. Again if I was going to do that I would have done it before I moved to this psycho shit hole.
Whatever that asshole twisted my words into I don't know, but I am willing to bet that the world would be better without him.
Don't tell me he didn't say something to someone, because weeks later some old piece of shit in the Mayfair came up to me and asked me how much I though that the Mayfair was worth. The Mayfair is a dump little shit hole that I wouldn't want to own, not just because of the bar, but also because of the slime that goes in there.
Expose this weapon system and destroy it and everyone that uses, produces, funds or covers up for it.
It is a torture device.
For the record, fuck the pin dick asshole that was talking to John the manager at Colony hardware and looked at me and said "It only works if you are religious".
I am not religious and I never will be. I fucking hate religion. Nothing has destroyed more minds or had more atrocities committed in its various names than religions have.
All religions should be exterminated. They are mythology.
This isn't some supernatural bullshit attacking and torturing me it is human scum with technology.
That same human scum tries to protect the bullshit called religion so they can use it to control others.
That human scum violates the human rights of those fighting against the religious mind control.
Someone please tell me what the fuck I supposedly did to deserve being tortured for over 20 years?
The nazi cunts just used "You won't change."
Why exactly would I want to and who the fuck do you think you are to tell me to change when you hide behind weaponry like a chicken shit little coward to attack and torture people? Sounds more like you are the one that needs to change.
Come on Mr/Mrs Big Shot. Who exactly do you think you are?
I am not one of your cult followers and I never will be. So fuck off and leave me alone.
I do my job. All I ask is that someone let me, pay me and let me go home. I keep my job and my life separate.
I am trying to support myself and my cats. This town keeps putting me into shit that they know I do not want. Then they purposefully try to fuck me out of it and act like I am the bad guy.
Yeah, I want everyone doing that dead. Why wouldn't I?
I do not want to be part of anything here. I am fine being alone, I am not a pathetic turd that can't be alone for 5 minutes without curling up into the fetal position.
I have plenty to do around my trailer to keep me busy.
Because of the sexual harassment of this town, I will not have sex here ever. I fucking hate everyone involved in that bullshit harassment.
The assholes with the weaponry would just ruin it like they ruin everything else anyways so there is no point in giving them their jollies.
If I think a female is attractive, so fucking what. Take it as a compliment and go on with your day.
Because of the bullshit here I am done with having anything to do with anyone outside of professional interactions on my job.
Shove you small town feel up your asses and die with it.
Whoever keeps spreading the shit, I catch you you will stop permanently.
Gossip is for extroverts. Most introverts do not like it at all. Gossiping about someone puts them into the spotlight. I flat out told people at Walters Vending when this shit got out of hand that "I do not like the spotlight".
Gee, I wonder why I find extroverts extremely annoying. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.........
The fucking assholes with the weaponry get you stupid fucks here to do the exact opposite of what I point out or anything that I want. They are trying to get me to hit, or kill someone so they can put me in jail and destroy my life even more.
You fucking idiots are helping them. If you want to know something about me then fucking ask me assholes. You play along with the rumors and you deserve the consequences.
Now the assholes use one image pointing at another image and the words "That one does it right there that one".
Gee yesterday it was the other way around with the images. Last week it was different images or at least one different image.
The use images from that they recorded from me seeing people or that they correlated from me thinking of people.
As I have told them 1000s of times, "Why would I believe someone attacking me putting images and word into my head?"
Anyone that would try to communicate with me through this weaponry is someone that I would want dead for using the weaponry instead of exposing it.
The remote neural monitoring alone is enough reason to kill everyone involved at their end of this shit.
Quit fucking with me. I am actually one of the good guys.
The people with the weaponry are the bad guys. It is not cool to be a bad guy.
Good people do not brainwash others into cults to control them.
All religions are cults.
Help me expose and destroy the weaponry. Think it through. Your brain will not interpret my brain's evoked potential patterns. Mine will not interpret your. That is true for everyone. Mind reading with technology is impossible.
So if you think that you hear someone else's thoughts, you are being attacked by technology that has already correlated your evoked potential patterns and know everything that you see and hear and think.
You are seriously fucked up if you are o.k. with that.