Friday, October 8, 2021

Wonderful. Back to 12+ hour days to make what I was making because there are too many drivers out there. 

Yesterday I declined at least 10 offers because they were 4 dollars or under. Can you people do math? How long would it take you to get to the place that you order from, get your order and return to where you ordered from? 

A 4 dollar offer that takes 20 minutes total = $12/hr. Screw you.

These restaurants are often times understaffed or have the lobby closed meaning the drivers have to go through the drive thru line. The wait to get your order may be over 10 minutes. 

I warned people about how messed up it is trying to get around MSU campus and the businesses across Grand River (road) when the students are out. That adds more time to the delivery and means less deliveries per hour.

Why do you people that live away from campus insist on ordering from the businesses in that area that have other locations? That whole area was built for walking, not driving. If you know that and still send drivers in there when there are alternatives then you are an asshole.

Personally, I am sick and tired of my job being fucked up every time school starts back up. 

More orders disappeared because the parents are taking their kids to school and picking up their orders on the way home. 

The moronic "school of choice" bullshit in this state just puts more vehicles on the road. It also lets like minded people send their kids to schools that only agree with them. School is supposed to help your kids think and not just program them to be what you want. 

That is child abuse you anti-vax and anti-mask morons.

I am trying to save money to get out of this state. Anyone making it so that I can not do so just makes me hate it here even more. 


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