Sunday, October 31, 2021

Well I can pretty much say that I will never ever have a high enough acceptance rate on GrubHub to be able to schedule any decent blocks.

Yesterday started out with 3 rejects in a row because of the bullshit crap of college sports.

I went to my usual starting place, logged in and straight into the nightmare of East Lansing on a game day. Not just any game day but a home game against their biggest rival that is only a short drive away so all of their fans were here as well.

Fucking McDonalds had a half hour wait.

First offer, McDonalds.

Went in saw the wait and said fuck this shit. before I ever got out of the parking lot, another offer for the same fucking McDonalds.

Immediately after rejecting that offer, one for the McDonalds a mile and a half away that has the same shit going on. I rejected it and made myself unavailable in the app. I drove all the way to the other side of town and tried to stay away from that turd of an area all day.

During the day I rejected other offers going to that area.

To MSU students, quit ordering deliveries to area of your idiotic campus that are closed down or just basically inaccessible during that shit. Fucking morons.

To the assholes that do not shut that shit down when it is like that: I want to hit you in the face with a baseball bat.

Anyways, by the time I get to try and schedule blocks, I couldn't even get all day next Saturday like I have been getting.

Every fucking time something goes good some bunch of assholes fuck it up.

GrubHub sucks in that the only way you can get to schedule good blocks is to not make any money for a money and do every single bullshit delivery that they offer.

The whole you get to choose when and where you want to deliver is a smokescreen of bullshit.

More people are using GrubHub to order and the deliveries around that shit hole campus get as low as 3 dollars. Most of them are in the 5 or 6 dollar range. They are turning it into DoorDash or Uber Eats and it just isn't worth it to try and keep the acceptance rate high.

I hate that fucking college. Every time they are in session it fucks up my job.

You assholes here that keep screwing me out of money are just trapping me here. More reason to destroy this area and state.

Regulate the gig bullshit and clean it up or destroy it altogether.

The people running the delivery companies only care about their commissions of the orders, they do not give a rat's ass about the drivers or anyone else out their being safe.

They will put as many drivers as possible out there to get every order that they can without any regard to anything else.

Too many drivers means that will drive even faster to try and get more deliveries in.

I have problems seeing at night with all the headlights and even the cell phone light, but they are basically forcing me to be out there to make any money because there are too many drivers during the day.

I may drive a little fast, but I am also a professional driver that has had a Class A CDL in the past. I know the rules of the road and can drive any vehicle with more than 2 wheels. I use turn signals and I try to keep my car functioning properly.

These app companies not only defraud the restaurants, the whole thing is a lie when they try and force you to do deliveries that you do not want or get shut out of all deliveries.

They specifically want people to "invite friends" which leads to collusion. They literally pay people to invite more people out there which screws over those already out there.

They are slimy little weasels that have most likely never done an honest days work in their life.

Every day it seems like there is a new app out there trying to get in on it or just trying to get one of the big companies to buy them out.

Time to take the money out of computers and cell phones. Put the little weasels to work.

It isn't revenge of the nerds it is screwing over by the candy ass little pussies.


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