Friday, October 15, 2021

Anytime I say I like something about a job, which there is very little to like about my current employment, to anyone suddenly it stop happening and the exact opposite starts.

I have written about not wanting to be a driver in the downtown East Lansing area delivering to the campus because of all the traffic and pedestrians. 

So they keep running me into that area no matter how many times I turn the shit off and go somewhere else.

I told my mother that I actually liked running longer deliveries out of town if they paid enough. Next day little or none.

The only person that I tell that kind of thing to is my mother. I made the mistake of telling a few people that I used to get out there at 6:30 am when I was only doing Doordash. Either they or the asshole brigade with the weaponry spread that all around and suddenly there were a bunch of drivers out there and no deliveries.

I started doing Uber to make up the difference in pay. MSU started back up and now even though the entire area is lit up as a hot zone I get no deliveries. 

Either there are way too many drivers or someone is fucking with my Internet connection.  

I hate this kind of spastic bullshit job to begin with. I would not even be doing it if the lowlife pieces of shit in the ol'boy networks here hadn't fucked me out of getting any real jobs.

I have written numerous times since this shit started that I am a route driver and not a delivery boy.

Unfortunately, route driving doesn't pay shit anymore either. 

This country sucks and fuck the overpaid computer nerd assholes.



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