Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The mass media tries to help the nazis with the weaponry drive people to the brink of mass shootings. 
They do it so that they can get more stories and more face time covering the story.
It is all about lining their pockets. They are filth. Sell out garbage.
The Military Industrial Complex makes money off war. Lots and lots and lots of money.
They don't fight wars to win them they want to prolong them and use more weaponry that they get money to replace.
They are filth. Sell out garbage.
They are just like religion in that they will use any means that they can to scare people into giving them money.
The war machines and religions of the world are the bad guys. Along with those that worship money in any industry.
I fucking hate everything that these pieces of shit have done to my life and want everyone involved dead.


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