Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Death to this fucking piece of shit country for allowing this weaponry to exist.

The weaponry was started by the CIA. Now it is CIA, NSA and mass media radio and television.

Where better to hide Signals Intelligence than within the already existing broadcasting companies.

The cell tower grid is also used.

The 'Havana Syndrome' is not new. It is the same as the 'Moscow Signal'.

The Moscow Signal was a reported microwave transmission varying between 2.5 and 4 gigahertz, directed at the Embassy of the United States, Moscow from 1953–1976, resulting in an international incident.

Been around since 1953 and before. They have developed many weapons off of it including the remote neural monitoring and evoked potential weapons.

The shit is real and needs to be exposed. No slap on the wrist this time. This time it results in death penalty for all involved. 
They are in league with criminal organizations as well. They also use religions or give the weapons to religions to help control their flocks.
 Basically the scummiest of scumbags everywhere.
Death to god, guns and gold.


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