Tuesday, October 5, 2021

 I got laid off in March of 2020 because of the Covid pandemic. 

I collected 21 of the allotted 26 weeks in Michigan and took the extra $600 a weeks federal at the time.

That made my unemployment check $900 a week. 

I wanted to go back to work before the 6 months were up and everyone had to be looking for a job. They had not extended the bnefits at that time.

Conveniently, after I returned to work the republishit garbage said ok to extending the benefits.

I got lied to and fucked around by the scum at FedEx Ground and anyone that works there will forever be my enemy. I worked there until some security pea brain from Flint fired me because they thought my Facebook page was disturbing. 

I had no choice at that point but to do gig work as the ol'boy cunt bitch network in this shit hole has made it so that I can not get hired anywhere that is a good job. I hate this fucking shit hole of an area.

I am not going to work around a bunch of useless idiots and not point out that they are useless idiots so shove your PC shit up your asses and die with it.

 Now so many people thjat got cut off some of the government teat seem to be wanting to do the gig work.

As I said, fuck PC and screw them. I am not going to lose my pay because of you sorry ass pieces of shit that were sitting at home collecting unemployment while I was working. Screw you.

You take the jobs that have openings all over the place. Too fucking bad. You should have been working some all along you lazy pieces of crap.

I say put back all Unemployment requirements and Medicaid requirements to where they were before the pandemic.  

For the record, the gig companies offer insurance plans so no one doing gig work should qualify for help through the insurance Marketplace. 

Medicaid should require that the gig companies report all earnings for anyone on Medicaid. 

Enough bullshit.

On a little bit different note, all automobiles driven in the state should have 30 days to switch their tags to that of the state they are currently in. All driver licenses should be the same. 

No driver licenses should be automatically given as a replacement for out of state licenses or out of country licenses especially. 

Enough bullshit.


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