Wednesday, October 20, 2021

I hate this fucking job. 
I am sick of getting sent in different directions on different apps. I got a ticket today trying to get shit done on time.
More money not saved to get out of this shit hole.
This is the most moronically designed shit hole I have ever had the misfortune of being in.
It is a 1850 laid out crap hole that they just keep shoving more shit and more people into and expect the road system to be adequate.
Then they keep turning roads that had two lanes or should have two lanes going each direction into one lane and a stupid fucking bicycle lane.
They tend to not build shoulders on the roads.
There are bottlenecks everywhere. Going under an Interstate because it was cheaper than having two different underpasses.
Going over a river because it was cheaper than having two bridges.
They think that the ugly nasty swamps that are everywhere mean that they are 'green'. you may have to drive 3 miles around one, but that is okey dokey by them.
They drive like they are sightseeing.
There are junctions that are just plain stupid.
Then they make 25 and 30 mph speed limits all over the place because their children are too special to tell "stay out of the street" to. Including the MSU 'adult' students.
You literally may have to sit through 2 or 3 entire light cycles because the pedestrians take so long crossing the road you are trying to make a right turn onto.
The main road in the area going east and west runs right through the are that was built so that the students could walk across it and get to stores and restaurants. 5 or 6 lights in about a 1/2 mile.
There is not enough road for the traffic.
I shouldn't forget the geniuses that build concrete roads in small sections on swampland. I works out the same as just putting down paver blocks in your yard and moving refrigerators over them everyday and expecting them to stay level.


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