Tuesday, October 12, 2021

 My cat's blood test results came back and it looks like the worst possible result. They are pointing to large cell lymphoma. 

Most likely it would be a result of the mother fucking nazi cunts with the radiation weaponry attacking him while he lays next to me. 

They are nothing but sadistic pin dicks hiding behind weaponry. They get their jollies off torutring people and the pieces of shit running this sack of crap country let them get away with it to keep their money and power structure.

Death to this fucking country. 

I want everyone that is involved dead. I want their fucking children dead. I want everything that they are a part of exterminated.

None of this shit would have happened if it were not for the garbage drug dealers spreading shit through their families and the fucking worthless LGBT community that was at the Travelers Club restaurant gossiping all over this shit hole area.

I fucking hate all of you.

I hate you for the torture of me and the destruction of my life. I am willing to kill all of you over my cat's life.

Did garbage die.

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