Friday, October 29, 2021

I flat out wrote on here that I was not going to be the one doing dowtown East Lansing when the students got back. So of course the fucking assholes responsible for the delivery offers keep sending me right into East fucking Lansing.

If I ever find out that it is anything but random I will wipe that shit out.

I fucking hate computer wienies.

They are also behind the torture weaponry.

Time to end the tech bullshit and expose all of their bullshit.

Tech turds like Doc and Jim and their friends.

J.T McKinley (Doc) and his family from the St. Louis Missouri area need to be wiped out. Same for Belafuil and his family from Marquette are Michigan.

One of Brian's friends once told me he was into computers as well. Just another reason to hate him.

I am so sick of that shit hole it isn't funny.

I hate every single lowlife piece of shit that let that joke ass University get so fucking many students crammed into that little space.

I loathe despise and detest everyone that designed and allowed that nightmare downtown area to built.

You are all assholes for not banning the delivery shit from that area while the students are there.

East Lansing can shove its PC bullshit where the sun doesn't shine.

And also fuck the assholes that keep turning 4 lane roads into 2 lane roads to put in the fucking bicycle lanes.


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