Thursday, October 28, 2021

When two or more people are together in the same car or are working together staking out the same area/place they are colluding with each other in order to give themselves an unfair advantage in receiving offers.

How is it legal for the companies that they get offers from to encourage that collusion?

Riding together is one thing, but when both or all parties in the vehicle have a cell phone operating a delivery app they are stacking the odds in their favor to get any offers there.

That is an unfair business practice. As such it should be illegal. Fines should be levied against the contractors and the companies that encourage said behavior. 
It should also be illegal for any company to advertise that as an independent contractor you can choose where you work and what deliveries you want to make and then penalize you if you do not take whatever you are offered. 
Basically the penalties allow them to force people into taking low price deliveries and to work wherever the offers send them. 


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