Friday, October 8, 2021

My brakes started grinding so my car is at the shop and I am home not making any money. The morning started out fucked up anyways. The first offer was to go to Mason for a delivery. I was in Okemos north of 96 headed towards Grand River. I accepted the offer thinking it was for the McDonalds at Okemos and Jolly. I got there and found out it was for Mason and unassigned the delivery. 

I am not going to spend 40 minutes round trip for under $7.00

All the new drivers are driving down the offer prices and it sucks. 

Every fucking time I get something going in this fucking town someone has to fuck it up. 

I hate this place and any place that the radiation weapons exists. I wouldn't want to be here without the weaponry.

The weather sucks and the whole nepotistic and cronyistic bullshit they have here is worth laying waste to the whole area.

They also have a whole cult mentality regarding Michigan State University that sucks.

In 1998 I was going along working as a cook at the old Plum Crazy restaurant in Haslett. I come in one day to find my hours cut down to 10 from 40. They gave my hours to 2 MSU students that worked there the previous year but had gone home. That would be Plum Crazy that was owned by Steve Fata (which a waitress, Nicole, told me that the Fatas were the local mafia and I better watch what I say or they'll get me) and Tom Warner (which a bartender, Lisa, told me was into cocaine). Lisa was the wife of a defense contractor at BS&A software. 

Both Lisa and Nicole are MSU grads.

Fuck MSU. 



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