Saturday, October 2, 2021

 I do not have sex anymore because of the useless sorry ass pieces of shit in this town that do not know how to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The harassment started at the shit hole that was called the Traveler's Club restaurant. The same group at the Mayfair. I literally hate the fuck cult club in this area. 

All the harassment and bullshit did was make me want to slaughter your whole group and your families. 

This town doesn't have jobs, it has little fuck cults all over the place. May be the whole piece of shit state as far as I know. 

The world would be a better place without everyone involved in that crap.

The whole PC crowd bullshit here is nothing more than a smokescreen for the garbage to be garbage.

"You can't say anything negative about anything." Apparently including the garbage doing illegal shit.

It is still sexual harassment if it is done by women or gays or minorities. PC is just being used as an excuse for assholes in those groups to be as bad as the ol' boy networks that they complain about. 

There needs to be Federal investigations into the Lansing, Michigan area.

There needs to be Federal laws against fraternization on the job.

Hey PC morons why do you think otherwise good cops cover up for the bad ones? Could it be the whole fraternal order of police shit? Fraternization causing cult mentalities?

It is illegal for a group of people to harass someone on the job to get them to quit. You deserve it if they come in and shoot you all.

 You sex cult assholes are just as bad as the religious assholes that do it and you all need to die.

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