Monday, October 18, 2021

Why is it that no one in this fucking shit hole of humanity has told me what Doc and Jim were going to do?

 I was sitting at the bar in Mayfair when a whore named Kelly, (don't know her last name she fucked Joey and Jim, etc.) walked in and started talking to a fat bitch named Tammy, (not sure how she spelled her first name, but her father owned Buddy's Pub). 

Kelly stated to Tammy "He told Doc and Jim that he wanted to work for the CIA so they are going to......" Tammy interrupted her and said that I was listening so she whispered the rest to her.

First off I had a conversation with Doc about when I was in the Navy in 1984 and I was 19. I pointed out that back then I had wanted to work for them. In 1984 I was thinking more like James Bond and less like the nazi scumbags that the CIA really are. That conversation took place in the old Plum Crazy sports bar.

Jim Belafuil was not even in the bar when the conversation took place, but thaqt kind of detail doesn't mean much to the gossiping assholes of Lansing.

Anyone that employs BS&A Software, of which Belafuil is the B, is my enemy. They write the software program used by every single county in the state of Michigan to determine who has payed their property taxes or not. Apparently that are also defense contractors. 

Two assholes that hung out in a bar owned by cocaine dealers and local mafia and they knew about it are given contracts by the State and the Defense Department? I personally smoked pot with both of them back in 1999 when it was still illegal and an automatic loss of security clearance. 

Jim (republishit) Belafuil also went on to head the local Chamber of Commerce here in corruptionville.

Corrupt shit hole of a state and country it would seem.

One way or another these people are going to pay for the destruction of my life along with everyone else involved.

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