Friday, October 22, 2021

Funny thing happened on the job today.

As I was going from one stop to another, I went down Stillman road from Okemos road to Dobie road.

I came up behind a new or new er BMW 740i or 750i. It had Dealer plates on it. It is a two lane road so I moved to the other side to pass the BMW.

I sped up and as I was passing the asshole in the BMW sped up to make it so that I couldn't pass him. There was a corner coming up so I had to brake and get back behind the asshole.

I flipped him off and he started speeding away. I sped up since I wanted to go faster anyways.

When Stillman road becomes Dobie road it makes a curve marked as 25mph.

I knew that as I have driven that road many, many times.

Apparently the dumbass in the BMW didn't know it.

Instead of slowing down and even dipping to the other inside lane as you can see around the corner when you get close, he slammed on his brakes and left skid marks for about 15 feet before he let off them and went up and over a dirt mound bounced into the driveway there and either stopped just before hitting the garage there or barely hit it.

I watched as I went around the curve and laughed for the next couple of miles.

Moral of the story:

Stupid people shouldn't drive/buy cars they can't handle and then try to be assholes on back roads that they do not know.


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