Saturday, October 9, 2021

 I do not like the Gig work crap. I have been posting for years that I am a route driver, not a delivery boy.

The pin dick assholes in this area, state and probably country have made it so that I can not get a route driving job.

I am not a moron social butterfly, nor do I want to be.

I used to hang out in bars because of what the bar had to do in the way of video games, pinball, pool, darts, etc. I did not give a rat's ass if anyone else was even in the bar. Generally the less people the better I like it.

I was that way before I moved to this shit hole. 

I have diabetes now and I do not drink alcohol. I have no interest in even going to the bars in this area because I want nothing to do with anyone here socially. I interact with people in the course of my job or their job. 

I try to do my job. I try to do my job well. That is me being me. I do not care who works where I pick up or who the delivery is to. I do care about quality and expediency. I will contact your corporate offices if necessary about your snide ass bullshit. 

I am there to pick up an order or orders on your customer's behalf. I am there to pick up orders that your customers have already paid for and are waiting to get. 

I get pissed off regularly by the idiot drivers in this area. The more you fuck around and do stupid shit the more dangerous you make my job. 

The idiotic road layout here is bad enough without dumb asses behind the wheel making it worse.  

Put driver's education back in the schools and get rid of the private instructor bullshit. Michigan has worse drivers than Florida. Yes, the kiddies might fail. No, I do not care if it hurts their psyche.  

I think all drivers should just walk off the job for a month and watch this turd country come to a complete stop. 

You need drivers more than you need computers and cell phones. Without drivers the shit to make your computer or cell phone never gets to where it is processed and put together. Then it would never get to the store or be delivered. 

Under no circumstance will I be a package delivery driver this time of year again. You can shove Christmas up your asses and die with it.

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