Tuesday, October 18, 2022

I am not a disgusting piece of shit swinger and I never will be.

I do not want a work wife. I do not fraternize with my co-workers.

Fraternize = socialize/date/fuck.

I am not gay nor bi-sexual and I never will be. 

I have repeatedly told people here that, but you fucking assholes keep pushing otherwise. 

You did that even before the attacks.

I wish that I had never set foot in or met anyone from the Travelers Club.

Maybe had those fucking punks from East 5th Street Billiards told me about this place none of this shit would be happening.

I would have never set foot in Sundance Chevrolet either. I was forced into that shit hole by Bob Walters at Walters Vending. I did not know that they were related to Brian or however you spell his name.

I told that asshole right to his face that I wanted nothing to do with cocaine. Why would I want to date/fuck a coke whore from Sundance or from the bars by the lake or anywhere else?

I have never in my life wanted to have anything to do with garbage in the media.

I have never wanted anything to do with 'Big Brother' scumbags. No one bothered to tell me that Belafuil and 'Doc' were defense contracting scum. All they had to do was check and they would have known that I was not eligible to get a security clearance because I got kicked out of the Navy for smoking pot on DDG 23. Literally on board a guided missle destroyer. 

Further checking could have revealed that my ASVAB scores were extremely high. 

So why all the crap? They could have just said that they did not want me to hangout with them due to the fact of not being able to get a security clearance. I would have said oh well and walked away.

Do you people think so highly of yourselves that someone wouldn't be able to handle not being around you?

I simply do not care. There are too many people to give a shit if a few don't want to hangout with me.

As for you criminals, I do not go around asking "who are the local criminals?". How the fuck would I know?

You people here started this shit, not me. 

If the assholes in Dayton had spread rumors about me or told you to do something to me then you should have told me. Otherwise you are just their bitch.

I ask and ask and ask, yet none here has the guts to tell me who. 

That means that it is literally all of you.

 Too all that think that fucking me over is a game, wait until I get the proof. I will destroy every one of your families like you have mine. 

I have done nothing in this shit hole but try to make an honest living for myself.

You pieces of shit have done nothing but fuck me over every step of the way.

I want to know who is behind it. 

They will never do it to anyone again.

I am trying to find a real job so I can have some semblance of security, but once again you pin dicks in charge make it so no one hires me. 

I do not even want to be a driver in this shit hole of a country anymore. 

I especially do not want to drive in Michigan.

I can not see at night to deliver. I am 57 years old with type 2 diabetes and the beginning of diabetic retinopathy. My old eyes do not adjust from light to dark as fast anymore so headlights blind me for a couple of seconds. 

I can drive in the predawn hours, mostly because my eyes are fresh and also because there are not as many of you out there.

Making money in the mornings doing the gig crap is not very good because Starbucks is Uber Eats only and some lying bitch got me fucked out of Uber.

How many times has some lying asshole in this town gotten me fucked over?  

Here in PC cuntville I am always the bad guy because I am a straight white male that isn't interested in being part of their sex cults or other cults. 

Apparently "NO" is a death sentence in this shit hole. 

The time is up, either I get a job and can keep a roof over mine and my cats heads or I am just going to go ballistic.

So the punk ass little griefer cunts with the weaponry put their laughter in my head.

Defense contractors and military psyops are the sorriest ass bunch of pussies on the planet. 

You are even worse than the sell out punk gang bangers and drug dealers. 

You are worse than the fucking politicians. 

You talk more and try to blow more smoke up asses than salespeople. 

At least all of them are not hiding behind computer weaponry to attack and torment people or to spread their bullshit. 

I am not now nor have I ever been in the Mafia, mob or any other criminal organization. I am not now nor have I ever been in any gang. I am not now nor have I ever been part of a religion. I do not now and have only sold 2 ounces of pot in my life. 

I am not a criminal. I just hate your stupid fucking bullshit spotlight and the garbage that it attracts. 

I never will be any of those things either. 

I do my job, I am not looking for a handout. 

Get this weaponry the fuck off of me and let me live in fucking peace. I hate you assholes. 

Here that go with their "You said you were going to get money" bullshit. 

The asshole with the Goodwill suit on was talking about how run down the place was getting. He then said that he was going to have to tell Steve to spend some money in there. One more asshole bringing up Steve Fata. 

I replied that "I should ask my rich friends to loan me the money to buy him out of here". Here being the fucking bar. 

I did not know that the Fatas were supposedly the 'local mafia' as stated by their useless whore employee, Nicole, that threatened me on their behalf a week later. 

I said should. Not could or would. The point being that I was agreeing with him that the place was getting run down. I was also sick of hearing what Steve Fata would say or do every time I turned around by several of his employees and the bar manager/partner Tom 'into cocaine' Warner. Anytine you needed anything in the kitchen it was always "Gotta talk to Steve, he is the money man". 

Neither of them should be anywhere near running a bar/restaurant.

Monday, October 17, 2022

 Yep, can't post for 2 days because of some piece of fucking shit. You are as good as dead when I find you you fucking cunt.

Someone is back to reporting my posts on Facebook trying to get me banned from posting. They know my mother just died and they are trying to isolate me. 

I will kill the motherfuckers doing it.

The post was about the whole work wife bullshit and how if I had a girlfriend or a wife and someone tried to pull that bullshit on her where she worked I would put a bullet in their head.

 I want everyone fucking with me dead.

Monday, September 26, 2022

 I just tried to work the t.v. in the living room that my mother watched all day.

The remote has buttons that do not work and you have to scroll through the bottom channel preview to get it to change channels.

She never told me. She knew that I would get a different remote for her.

Now that she is gone I am finding things that are not done or broken and that she never told me about because she knew how many hours that I worked.

I fucking hate this asshole of a town. You mother fucking pieces of shit do everything to me that you know I do not want.

When I told you that I do not play your stupid ass childish opposite games I meant it.

When I find out who is behind this shit I am going to fuck their world up anyway that I can.

Everyone like you assholes everywhere they are deserves to die.

What the fuck did I supposedly do?

Have a no fraternization policy at work? That is for me, I do not give a fuck about your personal life.

Death to all of you busy body cunts that keep trying to hook me up or just play games about it.

Worry about your own life and stay the fuck out of mine.

I literally hate the pieces of shit from Traveler's Club.


You little punks in Dayton need to die for your part in this shit.

Let me guess, money, money, money? Fuck you pieces of shit and that garbage.

How was I affecting anyone's money?

I did my job and I spent my money from my paycheck.

This fucking shit hole spread the rumors and lies about me.

I am not getting married. Marriage should be completely wiped out as far as I am concerned. Giving someone a tax break for being married is discrimination against those that want to remain single.

Why the fuck didn't anyone even ask me what the fuck was going on?

Death to the mass media. End the tax write off for advertising.

Why is it that the apples that I buy are now 3 dollars more a bag than the other apples?

Gas just shot up another 30 cents as well in this asshole of a country.

I would dearly like to wipe out stock speculation and futures bullshit. Everyone doing it is a piece of shit scumbag lowlife turd that deserves to be beaten with a bat.

Make it even harder for me to survive after my mother died.

Someone should remind the capitalist assholes that bullets still go through them as well as they do the poor.

Keep pushing, the bloody revolution Marx wrote about is just around the corner.

Monday morning and a day off work finally.
Saturday was rough after my mom dies Friday night, but I think I was pretty much just numb.
It hit hard about halfway through Sunday.
This morning I am going to have to call her close friend in Dayton and her close relative here in Michigan to let them know that she dies.
I have to go out to my car for my cell phone to work, glad I keep a box of Kleenex in the console to clean my glasses with.
This shit sucks.


My mother just died on the operating table.
My hatred for everyone involved in what is being done to me just reached its maximum level.
I want all of you dead and I am going to double down on my efforts to destroy all your families.
Die scum die.
Death to the Lansing, Michigan area and to the drug sealing scum from East 5th street Dayton, Ohio
If you assholes wouldn't have done this shit to me and attacked my mother as well she might still be alive.
Fuck you Al Cooper you fucking cunt, worthless piece of shit.
Never trust drug dealers when they say they will be there for you. They will sell you out in a heartbeat. 
Right Brian bitch.
Death to cocaine and everyone associated with it.
Death to the sorry ass defense contracting computer nerds here in Lansing and all their friends.
Time to wipe this shit hole out.
Fuck you gossiping ass useless moron LGBT crowd of garbage.
Death to the runt and cunt show.
May all of you pieces of shit from the bars by Lake Lansing die horrible painful deaths.
You pieces of shit destroyed my life forever. I live for revenge now.
Fuck the mass media assholes. Television and radio need to be wiped out permanently and forever.
Screw the fucking entertainment industry.
End the tax write off for advertising or you are nothing but a sell out piece of shit that deserves to die.


Now the fucking little pussies are trying to make it so that I can't sleep because I have to work all day tomorrow.
Come out from behind your weaponry you chicken shit cowards.
The only good griefer is a dead griefer.
Same goes for gangstalkers.


While I was standing beside my mother's dead body at the hospital and all the way home the pin dick chicken shit cowards with the weaponry were attacking me.
They and all that cover up for them deserve to die.


I have to work all day today and tomorrow because Grubhub would count the dropped blocks against me for a month even though my mother died last night.
I hate everyone that fucked me into this job and that make it so I can't get a real job.
This country deserves to be obliterated for allowing this weaponry to exist.
Fuck you all and death to your piece of shit religions.


Anyone that works in psyops is a coward piece of shit. The whole lot needs to be exterminated.
I tried to let it out and cry while in bed last night because my mom died.
The pin dick nazis with the weaponry kept forcing my brain into different frequencies causing lots of pain when I tried to let it out.
Now this morning I have to function for work and the little griefer bitches are trying to force my brain into frequencies that would have happened last night and make it so I can not work.
You turds whine about the Constitution yet my constitutional rights are violated on a daily basis and you do nothing.
Everyone that covers up for the weaponry is guilty of torturing me, destroying my health and my mother's health and killing her.
I want everyone that doesn't want you dead, dead.
I am not delusional. I am not a spaz that needs some anti-depressant.
I have already pointed out how to expose the weaponry. It isn't that hard to detect the frequency bands that affect or can affect human brain activity.
They can piggy back the signals on any other radiation broadcast.
Make a building shielded like a Faraday cage with frequency detectors inside. Take a TI inside and if it stops then it is a weapons attack. If it does not stop then you have the frequencies and can triangulate the broadcast point/points.
Wake up idiots. AI is not your friend. Transhumanists are the delusional garbage.
Destroy the criminals so the government can't justify Big Brother operations.
You fucking idiots think being a criminal is cool when it allows the government to do more to take away your rights.
Die with the criminals morons.


Now that my mother's suffering is over the lowlife scum with the weaponry will most likely try and do the same thing to me.
My mother's health problems with her heart started after I was initially attacked and moved in with her.
My sister blames my good cooking for the first heart attack, but The heart attack gun has been around for awhile. It is a radiation beam aimed at someone's heart. they have used it on me when I was just falling asleep and it hurts very much.
It feels like someone is burning a hole through your body. The pain stopped when I jumped out of bed and out of the way of the beam.
My mother did nothing in her life to warrant the bullshit way that she had to live after her heart attacks started. She got 'downsized' at work from an asshole company called Aegon. She had another heart attack and got put on disability and we moved back to the Lansing area from Mishawaka, Indiana.
She was scared and wanted to be around my sister and her kids and grandkids if she was going to die. I was forced to move with her or be homeless. I did not want to come back to this shit hole.
My mother did without a lot of things while I was not working to stay away from the harassment here. I donated plasma to buy my cigarettes and pay for my computer and Internet.
She got a lap band surgery done to lose weight to help her heart problems, but some asshole fucked it up and she had to have it fixed two or three times. The last 15 years of her life she lived with a hernia because of the botched surgery.
Her health continued to deteriorate because she basically sat in chair and read books all day. The lack of physical exercise just made the heart and circulation problems worse.
She had a fourth heart attack and they put in a pacemaker. She had to have that redone and put on the other side of her chest.
She hadn't been in the hospital for a few years other than to see her doctors when she had this last heart attack.
She deserved a lot better life than that. She held on for 8 1/2 years of the 10 that her pacemaker was good for until her body just couldn't function anymore. Her mind still worked and she still read books and played Jeopardy with me until the night before she died.
She wasn't a "saint" but she was a good person.
I will make sure that a part of what I do to the attackers is for her.
There will not be a funeral as she stated that she didn't want everyone standing around crying. She wanted to donate her body to science, but she didn't register so her second choice was cremation and we may have to go with that.
Make a donation to an animal charity or the local food bank for her.

I am a good worker. I just do not like being fucked with on or off of the job.
I need a job with a steady income. I have to pay all of the bills now.
I will never get over my mother's death and will always tear up a little bit when I think of her.
Tomorrow I finally have a day off and will have to spend it taking care of getting things switched to my name and cancelling her future appointments, mostly doctor.
I will be most likely in tears as I call and notify her friends and some relatives.
The nazi griefers with the weaponry will be getting lots of jollies.
It figures that the last t-shirt that I got for her because she said she wanted it got her the day that she died.
It said "I am pretty certain that my last words will be "Well shit that didn't work"".
What little bit is left of me inside is for my cats.
Just let me do my job so I can keep a roof over their heads.
That should give you all another rumor to spread about me.


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Now that my mother's suffering is over the lowlife scum with the weaponry will most likely try and do the same thing to me.

My mother's health problems with her heart started after I was initially attacked and moved in with her.

My sister blames my good cooking for the first heart attack, but The heart attack gun has been around for awhile. It is a radiation beam aimed at someone's heart. they have used it on me when I was just falling asleep and it hurts very much.

It feels like someone is burning a hole through your body. The pain stopped when I jumped out of bed and out of the way of the beam.

My mother did nothing in her life to warrant the bullshit way that she had to live after her heart attacks started. She got 'downsized' at work from an asshole company called Aegon. She had another heart attack and got put on disability and we moved back to the Lansing area from Mishawaka, Indiana.

She was scared and wanted to be around my sister and her kids and grandkids if she was going to die. I was forced to move with her or be homeless. I did not want to come back to this shit hole.

My mother did without a lot of things while I was not working to stay away from the harassment here. I donated plasma to buy my cigarettes and pay for my computer and Internet.

She got a lap band surgery done to lose weight to help her heart problems, but some asshole fucked it up and she had to have it fixed two or three times. The last 15 years of her life she lived with a hernia because of the botched surgery.

Her health continues to deteriorate because she basically sat in chair and read books all day. The lack of physical exercise just made the heart and circulation problems worse.

She had a fourth heart attack and they put in a pacemaker. She had to have that redone and put on the other side of her chest.

She hadn't been in the hospital for a few years other than to see her doctors when she had this last heart attack.

She deserved a lot better life than that. She held on for 8 1/2 years of the 10 that her pacemaker was good for until her body just couldn't function anymore. Her mind still worked and she still read books and played Jeopardy with me until the might before she died.

She wasn't a "saint" but she was a good person.

I will make sure that a part of what I do to the attackers is for her.

There will not be a funeral as she stated that she didn't want everyone standing around crying. She wanted to donate her body to science, but she didn't register so her second choice was cremation and we may have to go with that.

Make a donation to an animal charity or the local food bank for her.

Friday, September 23, 2022

While I was standing beside my mother's dead body at the hospital and all the way home the pin dick chicken shit cowards with the weaponry were attacking me.

They and all that cover up for them deserve to die.

My mother just died on the operating table.

My hatred for everyone involved in what is being done to me just reached its maximum level.

I want all of you dead and I am going to double down on my efforts to destroy all your families.

Die scum die.

Death to the Lansing, Michigan area and to the drug sealing scum from East 5th street Dayton, Ohio

If you assholes wouldn't have done this shit to me and attacked my mother as well she might still be alive.

Fuck you Al Cooper you fucking cunt, worthless piece of shit.

Never trust drug dealers when they say they will be there for you. They will sell you out in a heartbeat. Right Brian bitch.

Death to cocaine and everyone associated with it.

Death to the sorry ass defense contracting computer nerds here in Lansing and all their friends.

Time to wipe this shit hole out.

Fuck you gossiping ass useless moron LGBT crowd of garbage.

Death to the runt and cunt show.

May all of you pieces of shit from the bars by Lake Lansing die horrible painful deaths.

You pieces of shit destroyed my life forever. I live for revenge now.

Fuck the mass media assholes. Television and radio need to be wiped out permanently and forever.

Screw the fucking entertainment industry.

End the tax write off for advertising or you are nothing but a sell out piece of shit that deserves to die.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

I seriously need to get out of this bullshit gig economy.

Grubhub pulled their bullshit again today as soon as I started my only block of the day. Straight to downtown East Lansing. That delivery actually went back to Okemos and I turn the availability off while picking up at buffalo Wild Wings until I got the delivery done.

As soon as I turned it back on, straight to Hannah Plaza for two pickups and delivery to Chandler road apartments. Both East Lansing.

I said fuck it and dropped the rest of the block and came home.

I got my first offer from Deliver That today after a week. No fucking way am I working for them.

The offer does not contain the pay amount. You can't see the pay until after you accept the delivery offer. I am not sure that that is even legal to offer a contract without disclosing the pay.

That isn't even the worst part of it. You only get paid your base pay for the pick up and delivery. All tips go into a nationwide pool to be distributed among all drivers depending on how many deliveries that they do.

Fuck you. I am not splitting my tips with other drivers. I do my job well so that I might get better tips not so I have to split them with someone else.

Deliver That is a complete scam in my book and only an idiot would work under those conditions. I will be reporting their bullshit to the U.S. Dept. of Labor.

If you order through Deliver That you are an asshole.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

I can hear the idiot pieces of shit here gossiping.
I know you will claim that you are/were talking about someone else, but you shouldn't be doing that either.
Weak minded pathetic pieces of garbage and gangstalking assholes gossip.
To set the record straight, I would not rather jerk off than have sex.
I would rather jerk off than be a faggot or bisexual male. Gross, gross and double gross.
The problem isn't me it is the sorry ass crap in this fucking shit hole of an area. That includes Spartan scum.
The problem is you. The problem is the lowlife sack of shit nazi pigs with the radiation weaponry that would ruin any sex anyways.
What the fuck would be the point of even trying to have sex when you know that someone will attack you just to ruin the sex in order to try and humiliate you.
I do not want to live in this idiot filled sex cult of an area.
I will never have sex with this weaponry hooked to me. I wrote that and posted it to the Internet in 2001.
The nazi garbage with the weaponry knows that. Yet every time I turn around they try and start their shit with others and push sex.
The Lansing area and MSU are perfect for them. You morons are so fucking stupid that you harass the person getting attacked because you apparently only think about sex.
There is such a thing as mass entrainment. A form of mass hypnosis.
It can be done with small or large groups. It can be done with flashing lights or flickering candles. It can be done with sound frequencies. It can be done with electromagnetic radiation frequencies.
It can be done both subliminally or supraliminally.
It could explain the lack of academic standards at MSU so that they can be horny all the time. Seriously, it could.
It could explain the high concentration of no self control bisexuals here.
Of course all that could be explained by the moronic bullshit of never teaching your kids that there are consequences for their actions as well.
A combination of the two and you have a nightmare zone to live in if you actually think.
I had sex fairly regularly before moving here. Had quite a few relationships as well.
Just flat out not interested in the bullshit anymore.
Expose the weaponry or die with it.


Friday, September 16, 2022

I point out that people's orders are being made to wait longer because Grubhub is adding on small deliveries and Grubhub starts giving me only small deliveries.

Are they a bunch of snide little bitch boys?

I want out of this 'gig' bullshit. The whole industry needs to be gone. Fuck the restaurants.

Put the food back into the grocery stores and learn how to cook for yourself. Go to the store for yourself if you can.

I specifically stated online several years ago that I am a route driver and not a fucking delivery boy. So this shit hole asshole of an area automatically tries to fuck me into being a delivery boy.

The 'powers that be' here need to be exterminated. That refers to all the slime behind the scenes running things.

Fuck the government for not cleaning up this 'gig' shit.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Yesterday I posted about how I specifically told the assholes at Grubhub that I did not want to work in a certain area or areas.

Today I had 1 block, from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. The very first offer that I get goes from Meridian Mall to near Cavanaugh and Cedar. $10

From there they sent me to Popeye's at Willoughby and Cedar to be delivered by Aurelius and Kalamazoo. 7 or 8 dollars

Then I turned down a ridiculous offer from Eatside Fish market for $3 and some change. I should not be getting this offer on a block.

Then the next offer went from Frandor to Mt. Hope and Aurelius. less than $5, but the people tipped cash. The point being that on a block as a premier I should not even be getting the under $5 offers according to Grubhub's own words.

From there the next offer was to Crack chicken on MLK to be delivered to Jolly and Cedar area. Small offer money wise.

While waiting at Crack Chicken they send me another offer for Subway at Jolly and Cedar. The delivery was going to the Hamilton and Dobie road area. WTF?????? There are at least 2 Subways that are closer to the customer.

Grubhub fucking sucks now. WTF happened? I used to be getting almost every off over $10 when on a block. Who is getting them now, because I want to kick some ass.

I used to run orders almost all day out of the city and into the surrounding area. Now I get none at all.

I am seriously pissed off about this bullshit and want someone's or more than one person's head on a fucking pike.

Still wonder why I hate this fucking shit hole? Every single fucking time I get any job going good some piece of shit or group of pieces of shit fucks it up. I want them all dead.

The people here are just as much a bunch of sell out conniving weasel dick assholes as the drug dealing punks on East 5th street in Dayton.

The tech sector nerds are worse than the robber barons or the industrial tycoons.

Time to take the world back from the the tech nerds.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

My time at Grubhub may be over. I am sick of them fucking me around. I had a block from 5 pm to 6:30 pm tonight which means that I should be getting priority for bigger orders. I was almost to a hotspot at Okemos and Jolly when the fucking assholes sent me to Marco's on Cedar being delivered to fucking downtown Lansing.

I have specifically sent them emails that I do not want to work in downtown Lansing or downtown East Lansing. They do this shit on purpose. It is blatant harassment trying to get me to quit. Grubhub should be shut down same as that asshole run piece of shit company Uber.

Here is the body of the email I sent to tech support today after I left that shit hole downtown, La Cocina Cubana LLC:

Thanks for sending me right where I told you I did not want to go. My job is probably over with you now because you just had to send me into that sanctuary city shit hole. Screw the illegals and their fucking restaurants.

Both companies are run by lowlife little men with short man's disease.

Then after I delivered the Marco's order they sent me to this shithole on Washington called La Cocina Cubana LLC. It took me 10 minutes to get there and the snotty overweight waitress sneered at me and said it would take at least 20 to 25 minutes.

Fuck her and her shit hole restaurant. I want to see a green card.

This sorry ass worthless shit hole sanctuary city shit needs to be eliminated. On my way into the restaurant the fucking garbage at GRubhub sent me a $3.00 add on for Wendy's on Clippert.

I would like to personally snap a certain pencil neck.

Fuck sanctuary cities. Everyone running them needs to be put in jail for aiding and abetting in the commission of a federal crime.

Are you sure you democrats are against sex trafficking? You open up the borders and let in thousands of new victims.

I am not putting up with their shit. Nor am I going to give up my job for them without taking out as many as I can.

Notice how most of them if not all of the sanctuary cities have a large LGBT population. More sex partners for the no self control crowd. More people that they can force to have sex in the workplaces.

I have come to despise that whole bunch of sex in the workplace garbage since living in this piece of shit state.

Then trying to leave the downtown area more of Whitmer's construction fucking up everything crap.

Screw you and your fucking bullshit Whitmer. You sing the praises of yourself making or protecting road worker jobs, but neglect to mention how bad you have fucked over every driver in the state trying to do their jobs.

I have never much liked republicans and still don't. The democrats here are just as bad if not worse.

Both of you and everyone else can shove religion up your asses and die with it.

My hatred grows for this place very single fucking day.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The world would be a better place without 1099.

Also, all automobile companies and services need to be nationalized. The automotive industry is making a killing because of the 1099 delivery bullshit.

Gas prices are ridiculous, but they will not go down as long as there is such a demand because of the delivery industry. I end up spending 40 to 50 dollars a day on gas.

I can not make any money without spending 10 to 12 hours a day doing this shit and then over half of it goes back into the job with gas, maintenance and other things like groceries for lunch. It just cost over a thousand dollars to get brakes and the front differential fluid changed.

The sack of shit manufacturers make the brake rotors so thin now that you can't just replace the brake pads you have to replace the rotor as well. It is scamming ass bullshit.

They put tons of computer bullshit in the cars that are just something else to be replaced. Screw the computer nerds.

40 years ago my mother's Chevelle with a 307 got the same gas mileage as my 2021 Mazda CX-30 with a 4 cylinder does.

I had a 1986 Yugo that got 40 miles to the gallon. It would only go about 90 MPH, but it was great in the city.

Fuck all the computer bullshit and take your cell phone linking and shove it up your asses. Just more ways for Big Brother to track you.

Give me a solid work car. The AWD and body size of my Mazda without all the other bullshit. Anti-lock brakes and I am not a feeble turd I can roll down my own windows. A good stereo that is actually a stereo with buttons and dials. I leave it off most of the time anyways because the radio stations here are garbage.

Dependable, no stupid shit and will last for 300,000 miles.

I fucking hate the sorry ass shit known as capitalism. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

 I didn't get a screenshot of the attempted add-on, but I will describe it. I got an off while sitting at the corner of Okemos and Jolly roads to pick up from the Chili's in Meridian Mall Parking lot. It was a good offer and it was going east of Mason.

My kind of offer as I fucking hate the traffic in town and the whole area is so screwed up with construction it isn't funny. I knew it would take a few minutes getting back to the Okemos and Jolly roads area because of the detour traffic.

On my way to Chili's, some idiot drove through an area with several road closed signs and into the construction zone. They then proceeded to switch to the other side of the road and went the wrong way down a one lane walled off road. 2 construction workers came out and helped guide them backwards to where they could turn around.

Took about 10 to 15 minutes and I got a message from Grubhub that I didn't appear to be heading to the pick up I accepted.

When I got to Chili's and confirmed the pick up Grubhub sent me another offer. These assholes actually tried to get me to do a 2 dollar add on from Wendy's by the Mall. WTF??????

I was already delayed getting to the pick up that I had and these assholes are trying to make me make that order even fucking later by waiting in the drive thru at that Wendy's and then delivering that order before the one further away.

The Chili's order would have been in my car for over 1/2 hour by the time I got to the customer. Now my acceptance rate suffers and I most likely will not be a premier much longer because of all the bullshit small orders in East Lansing that I will not do.

The 2 dollar add on was going somewhere there in Okemos not too far east from Marsh and Grand River maybe within a mile or so of that intersection.

I fucking hate the assholes that wrote that app.

Why would you purposefully try to make a $15+ order later for a $2 add-on. Fuck that.

I don't know who is getting all the out of town orders that I used to get, but I would like to hurt whoever is giving them to you.

I flat out told both apps that I do not want to be a driver in East Lansing/MSU areas.

Especially with all that fucking construction or during any kind of sporting event.

I am not from this area. I do not live to kiss Spartan ass.

My acceptance rate on Doordash is 62 or 63 percent right now because they keep trying to send me into that mess.

They are both going to be out a driver here pretty soon.

For the record, I got my congratulations from Grubhub for 2500 deliveries last month and I only need 50 deliveries to reach 5000 for Doordash. I was at 1599 deliveries for Uber when that lying cunt got me deactivated.

I started doing this shit April 2021. I a not out there to play and anyone fucking with my job is someone that I want to kill. I should have the right to defend my income.

I hate this asshole filled turd of an area where these pieces of shit think they can get away with harassing people on the job. They all need their head beat in, male, female or it.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Someone better call off the weirdos before it ends very badly for them.

At work today I had a delivery to an apartment complex in Okemos. As I got to the door it opened and I handed the order to the person there.

Pretty sure it was one of those tranny things.

As I was leaving and going down the stair it came to the exit way and asked me if I was busy.

I remained calm although quite disgusted and said that I had another delivery. It said ok and went back towards it's apartment.

Yuck, yuck and double yuck.

Back off weirdos or I will get you on camera pulling your shit.

I do not support the whole tranny thing nor will I ever, anyone saying otherwise is doing so to start shit.

Typical for this asshole of humanity. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

One of the first psychological warfare plans that they tried on me was their ignorant devil bullshit.

Because snide little bitches spread it around that I was religious and that is why I wasn't having sex with them. 

Couldn't possibly be anything wrong with them now could it? Their parents are garbage as well.

Why because one idiot 17 year old pierced and tattooed  asked me a question about the crossword puzzle that she and a friend were doing? Dumb ass little cunt named Nikki at the Traveler's Club. 

She knew that I did crossword puzzles as I brought them to work with me sometimes. 

Why would I think it was some kind of code? Why couldn't the stupid cunt just ask me if she wanted to know something about me? 

Mid Michigan sucks shit.

She wanted a word that means a reason to not have sex. She said already tried one word and it didn't fit. I said try celibate. She said yeah I didn't think of that and left the kitchen. I didn't think anything of it. 

Apparently, now the whole town thought that I had taken some sort of vow of celibacy.  

You people here don't even rate being called people. 

I was not celibate. I simply have a no fraternization with co-workers policy.

Die all of you sorry ass pieces of garbage.

Just the start of the worthless garbage piece of shit LGBT community here spreading rumors about me.

So you punk ass moron drug dealing turds from Dayton, it wasn't me spreading shit all over town. 

But since you accused me of doing it and took part in the destruction of my life I want you dead right alongside the garbage here.

You could have easily checked and found out that I was, in Dayton as well, the guy that stood at the pinball machine and didn't much talk to anyone. I was all over town because I was a route driver idiots. 

Not my fault that the gossiping cunts here would rather spread rumors than talk to me. "Who is that guy?".

Don't hate on me because I am beautiful, bitches.

Don't hate on me because my IQ is higher, bitches.

Don't hate on me because my dick is bigger, bitches.

Either say what is on your mind or shut up and fuck off.

If you wonder what kind of people would attack and torture someone to get their jollies all you have to do is look around the Lansing area.

From the snide little bitches that can't handle the word NO to the cult owners that push sex in the workplace to the pin dick computer programmers with their pinky up to the corner of their mouths.

All the sorry ass Springer show people that can't feel good about themselves unless someone else is worse off than them.

The defense contractor capitalist pigs that want to protect the rich and their way of life.

The garbage that buys and pays for politicians and the politicians that want the money train to keep coming.

The low life useless shit in the mass media that wants money for nothing.

Those that steal other people's ideas to use to profit themselves.

Money, money, money.

The garbage that use religious brainwashing to have power over others. All religions are bullshit made up lies to control the masses through fear.

All you supposed TIs that push religion need to come to the realization that your make believe Gods are allowing you to be tortured.

The torturers want you to be religious as it is much easier to discredit you when you believe in fairy tales.

They, or I, would already be dead if it was easier to narrow down and find them. Since all humans are basically scum anymore it makes it difficult to pick the once with the weaponry out.

Fuck you all.

The nazi pigs with the weaponry are back on their bullshit about getting married or having to be in a relationship to survive.

If that is the case then the country deserves to die.

Anyone trying to force me into a relationship is someone that I want dead. Going all the way back to the piece of shit Travelers Club and that useless LGBT community that wouldn't stop pushing sex. 

I fucking hate the LGBT community now and do not care if you all get exterminated. Your gossiping bullshit got my life destroyed. You are as bad if not worse than the inbred right wing garbage.

This whole area is nothing but sleazy, slimy, lowlife shit.

Now you trapped me in a job where I can't even save up enough money to get out of this piece of shit state. 

A bunch of useless idiots with their own businesses playing cut throat with everyone. 

Big business is run by greedy garbage. 

The useless asshole politicians have allowed a few people to buy out everyone else. This is fucking Russia with oligarchs. 

I do not want my on business, I never have. I hate capitalism. 

I was doing just fine for myself when you assholes here had to destroy my life because I didn't want to have sex with your whores.

Death to you and your whores. 

By definition if part of your job for pay is having sex with co-workers, you are a whore. 

Anyone forcing that kind of 'culture' in the workplace is guilty of human trafficking and should be in prison. Got that William and Jennifer. You should both be in prison or dead would even be better.

Mid-Michigan is a horrible place.

Those running things behind the curtain here all need to die. 

Because the pieces of shit hooked this weaponry to me I will most likely never have sex again. I had plenty of sex before I moved to this cesspool of humanity called the Lansing area. 

It wasn't me, it was you disgusting garbage here.  

Now it is just pointless as the assholes with the weaponry will just ruin it to get their jollies. 

Expose the weaponry and exterminate everyone behind it. Everywhere. No exceptions.








The whole 1099 industry is a fucking scam.

Most of what you make goes right back into the vehicles. Gas, maintenance, insurance and repairs.

You have no unemployment or worker's comp if you get hurt.

The only people making money are the app companies and the restaurants.

Even the customers are getting screwed through higher prices.  

Driving as a profession in general in this country sucks now. 

I fucking hate this shit hole. City, area, state and country.

I won't even be able to afford to keep this falling apart trailer when my mother dies. If I have to get rid of my cats I swear on my grandmother's grave that I will kill as many of you pieces of shit as possible before the cops kill me.

This mother fucking piece of shit area destroyed my life. I hate everyone involved and everything that they are a part of.

Friday, September 2, 2022

 Mrs. Whitmer, how is that tearing up the whole fucking town thing working for the home football games?

I may not be a Premier with Grubhub much longer because I am not going into that shit hole area around campus if I can help it. 

Grubhub fucks the drivers by requiring that you take almost every offer or you will not get shit for blocks. 

This is what they gave me today and look at the time.

Notice that I am not even on the picture. The pick up is at Est Side Fish Market. The deliveries are in East Lansing and then down to Forest road. US127 was backed up all the way from Trowbridge down to the Dunckel exit. I got off on Dunckel called customer service and told them to get the deliveries off of me because there is no way that I am going to wait in that fucking game traffic.

I specifically told them that I hate MSU campus and do not want to go there at any time.

Looks like Harrison would be the best route between the deliveries right? Fuck you. Harrison is the worst road to be on when there is a football or a basketball game.

I turned the app off and drove over by Saginaw and 96/69. I did a few deliveries over there and was doing alright when they gave me this bullshit. 

I am coming back from Potterville, the little blue dot. The delivery went to the Frandor/East Lansing area. I just turned the app off and on until I could end my block and went home. I did the delivery, but not real happy about going across town to get away from that area only to be sent back into that area. 


A good example of the genius of the app writers. I am sitting at Okemos and Jolly roads. They give me an offer with 2 pickups. One at Dunkin donuts and one at 7Eleven.

There are both stores right near the Okemos and Jolly road intersection. But not the genius app, it puts the 7Eleven pick up in downtown East Lansing and the Dunkin pickup at Okemos and Jolly. There is a Dunkin Donuts in the downtown East Lansing are as well.

Both deliveries were going into the area between Saginaw and Michigan just west of 127 about a 1/4 to 1.2 mile. 

So instead of both pickup being at the Okemos and Jolly are where I could have jumped on the highway and had then done in twenty minutes or so I had to make the Dunkin pickup and then drive through East Lansing for 15 minutes to get to 7Eleven. 

If both pickups had been in East Lansing the deliveries would have been closer.

The AI made it the worst way possible by splitting up the deliveries. If something was not available at a particular store then the deliveries should have been given to 2 different drivers.

 The cops here need to tell the idiots to quit fucking with me on the road. 

I was coming home tonight and got behind this moron doing 30 in a 45 on Holt road headed towards Eifert Rd. 

He got into the turn lane for Eifert Rd and I did as well since I live on Eifert Rd. He made the turn and started doing the speed limit which is 45. 

Then he started slowing down all the way to 30. There was traffic coming the other way so I had to wait behind him. When traffic cleared I started to go around him. I got past him and he started accelerating to try and cut me off. I got back into the lane and turned my turn signal on to turn left into where I live. I had to swerve into the oncoming lane and he locked up his brakes and skidded behind me.

He flipped me off so I got right back on the road and followed him into Windmill trailer park. I got his license plate number, ELG 7108. A red Ford Fusion with black sides. Why not get out of the car you little pussy ass bitch.

You want to fuck around, I want to beat your skull in.

An asshole older man did the same going slow on purpose the other day coming out of Dunkin and going down the back way to Jolly. Then on Jolly he once again started going slow. I got in the turn lane to turn left on Dobi and sped up a little when he swerved into the turn lane in front me. He did not use a turn signal he was just being a dick. A brown Silverado didn't get the plate. I flipped him off and he flipped me off. He even opened the door and yelled fuck you. I kept telling him to pull over, but once again a typical Michigan pussy that starts shit won't finish it.

Guess what a synonym for slow is Michigan drivers? Answer: Retarded. Those of you going so slow must be very retarded. 

No offense to those with a brain problem and if someone fucks with you because of it please tell me, but I fucking hate this shit hole and the moron drivers here. 

That is what you get when you let anyone teach driving, a bunch of people that can't fucking drive.

2 simple rules for you idiots here.

1. When you approach a roundabout there is a yield sign. That means that if someone is already in the roundabout and you can not safely enter the roundabout you must yield the right-of-way to them. If you are already in the roundabout then they must yield to you.

2. This is a little more complex so I hope not to advanced for Michigan. A 3 or 4 way stop. The first vehicle that makes a complete stop at the intersection and not behind another vehicle has the right of way. 

If 2 cars stop at the same time on opposite side of the same road then whoever is going straight has the right of way over a turning vehicle. If both are going straight then both may proceed at the same time.

Turn signals are important.

If 3 cars stop at the same time then the person on the right has the right of way. At a 3 way stop then the driver that has the fastest way to clear the intersection should be allowed to proceed first. At a 4 way stop then the person without a car to their right has the right of way. If 2 of the 3 are opposite and 1 of them has the right of way then they can proceed at the same time then they may do so unless the second person that would have right of way is turning right then the person across from the first has to yield to the second person's right of way. 

If 4 cars stop at the same time then the drivers should allow one person to go first and follow all the above rules.  

If a cop stops at the same time always let them go first because you don't really want them behind you do you?

For the record, there is a minimum posted speed on the Interstates.

This is the worst driving state I have ever lived in and I lived in Florida for 7 months.

I should add that while I am all for cleaning up the police, I am in no way for Defunding them.

Having no police at this point in history is fucking moronic.

Since I hate Michigan so fucking bad, I have decided that I will no longer vote for anyone running for any office in this shit hole of a state.

Before moving to Michigan there is absolutely no way that I would have voted for a republican and they have just gotten worse and worse with the religious garbage.

After living in the Lansing area I now despise democrats as much as republicans.

Democrats seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to be the party of the workers and are now nothing but social issue twits.

Democrats are owned by the same corporations as republicans.

Whitmer's "fix the damn roads" was a good plan, but it has been executed in a manner that her subordinates all need to be removed from their positions.

You can not destroy the entire road system of a moronically built, inadequate shit hole like the Lansing area at one time.

I should say you should not because obviously you can.

Now all the MSU partiers are back making it worse. I have a problem with calling them students.

Let me guess, the idiots that planned all this construction at once got their degrees from MSU?

Whitmer is from Lansing so she should know what she is approving and how bad it will fuck up trying to get around.

I loathe, despise and detest republicans, I will not vote for the LGBT party because of the gossip brigade in this asshole of an area.

I will always support someone's right to have sex with, or engage in a relationship with an adult of the same gender, but the tranny shit being pushed on kids and the assholes here thinking they can do anything they want to anyone else has made me an enemy.

Death to PC Michigan.

To the app assholes:

I am 57 years old with type 2 diabetes. My eyes are getting worse due to stress caused by your ineptitude at running a company and the bullshit construction and traffic of this shit hole area.

I will not be in town with lots of headlights when it is dark.

I literally hate you fucking little pricks. 

If the asshole delivery companies are going to keep sending me to the high crime areas, I am going to have to get a gun for self defense purposes.

 Back to the song lyric crap this morning. Some of the lyrics to a Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks song, not sure which "I'm a few years older than you". Shit. 

Then with the "who, who, who is it?" bullshit. 

It would be a figment of their imagination used in a psychological warfare operation against me. 

All parts of their psychological warfare operations are reason to execute them. and destroy their weaponry.

I don't listen to music much anymore. They started this shit because some bunch of brain dead, moron, senile old men and their ignorant cunts thought I was sending messages by playing the fucking jukebox.  

That would be the daytime crowd at the Mayfair which should be torn down and never allowed to be built again and anyone that patronizes that bar is someone that I want dead. Both bars there are owned and operated by criminals and they allow drug dealers and organized crime to hang out in them and maybe even worse, defense contractors.

Tear the buildings down and make a parking lot for the park and beach are.

If time travel were possible, I would go back and kill them all.

The DJs know what they are doing with the weaponry and all of them are useless no talent garbage living off of corporate tax deductions and music made by others.  

Probably affiliated with the NSA or CIA, but might just be criminals.

Defund the NSA, CIA and Homeland Security. The nazi trifecta.

 My day started as shit. My daily earnings are so far down that it just isn't worth it to do this bullshit job anymore. 

I literally hate everyone involved in making it that way. 

There were so many drivers out there to day that Doordash showed not busy but had 5 hotspots with lots of red area around them.

Notice the time at the top left.

I fucking hate MSU being back. Same shit last year. I can't wait to move somewhere that is not a fucking college town.

Grubhub ended my day with a good order or so I thought it was the end.  While waiting for a large order in Haslett at Saorki's the send me an add on for $2.46 going to the & Eleven in downtown East Lansing. 

That is what kind of jackass greedy pieces of shit that these app companies are. They do not give a shit about taking care of their good customers they just want every bit that they can get.

I am getting sick of having $15.00+ orders getting fucked around when they make them take longer just to add some bullshit little order. 

These assholes are worse than FredEx Ground.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

So I get to my usual starting point this morning and Doordash sends me 3 offers that I refuse right off the bat. Near the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads. Which is now pointless because of all the piece of shit asshole drivers that moved into that area and that I want dead for doing it.

They tries to send me to Panera Bread in the construction zone at Okemos and Grand River rds. The delivery was going some in the construction zone as well. Fuck that.

Then they tried to send me to Chik-fil-A also in that construction zone for a delivery going into the MSU campus area. What do I have to do for them to get it through their heads? I write Fuck MSU, no msu, I don't want to go to that area, etc.

Next the morons try to send me to the McDonald's in that construction zone for a delivery going back south of the bridge that is closed for southbound traffic. There is a fucking McDonald's right there at Okemos and Jolly which is where I was. No need to even go into the construction zone or around the detours to get back. 

Artificial Idiocy.

Then when I go over to Dunkin Donuts at Okemos and Jolly to take a pee and which is the center of a hot spot on Grubhub the assholes at Grubhub send me all the way to the MLK/Eaton Rapids road McDonald's for a pick up and delivery in that area. 

I really want to bash the fucking skulls of the pin dick assholes that run these app companies in. They fucking deserve it.

I have the screenshot of where I was and where they sent me. I used to be at that intersection pretty much by myself and got the deliveries going very well. The vendors know if they see my name then I will be there as quick as I can. Then the fucking pin dick nerd assholes at the delivery companies decided to move their ass kissers in and now even the number of deliveries there is down because their ass kissers are shit drivers. 

They also let a bunch of thieving assholes start driving and I hear about it all the time from the merchants. 

This job is horrible because of the assholes that run the companies, both delivery apps and restaurant apps that route the shit.

Here is the Grubhub screenshot:

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

I go to work and then I go home. 

I used to go to a bar after work if I found one close to where I lived and it had something to do like pinball, trivia, video game, etc. Basically a game room for adults.

The assholes with the weaponry keep pulling their "You won't get out there" bullshit when they are part of the problem that made me not want to get out there in the first place. The people in the bars here are the other part.

The nazi pigs with the weaponry and their cohorts in this fucking shit hole area keep trying to make me work my life away. They will even use things about keeping me away from the computer.

I work year round not some seasonal bullshit.

Fuck off.

I can't even grow my garden any more because of the slime here and their bullshit. I have to basically give up 5 days of my life just to make money to get out of here and I still am getting nowhere.

I hate this fucking area, state and country.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Friday, August 26, 2022

Here is one more example of the idiocy involved in this job. 

I am near the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads. Doordash gives me an offer to pick up an order at the Taco Bell on Grand River road in Okemos. It gets delivered to an apartment complex at the corner of Mt.Hope and Hagadorn roads. 

The Taco Bell on Grand River is in a fucked up construction zone and there is no good way to get back to Mt. Hope.

Sounds bad right?

There is a Taco Bell on Jolly road very close to Okemos road. It would have taken less time to deliver the order from that Taco Bell than it took to get to the other Taco Bell. 

Sounds pretty fucking stupid right?

AI is not intelligent.

The pieces of shit with the weaponry have made it so that I can not work in close proximity of others because I will not bite my tongue when they keep attacking me. 

I do not have retirement or a pension. this fucking piece of shit state and the nazi pigs with the weaponry fucked me out of over 15 years of income trying to stay away from the assholes here harassing me. I truly and forever hate you fucking garbage assholes.

Are the other drivers getting attacked with the weaponry?

Then fuck them they can take the part time or full time jobs available. There are lots of them.

I was working the the other jobs but the fucking assholes can't leave me the fuck alone or try to fucking run me into the ground when I have type 2 diabetes. 

Then they wonder why I hate them. I hate you because you are stupid, asshole, pieces of fucking shit.

The world would be a better place without everyone associated with this weaponry.

I have no money. You assholes keep fucking me out of making a living. I want you ALL dead.

I never got any money, anyone saying different is lying to fuck me over or to get the idiots to fuck me over.

So the assholes put in my head "Get over it". That is the kind of little psychobabble cunts that they are.

How can someone get over something that is still ongoing? 

Fuck you you ignorant lowlife psychobabble pieces of fucking shit.

So the other drivers have effectively taken all the morning orders on Grubhub from the intersection that I work out of. I drive straight there every morning that I work and this morning it was a dark red hot spot supposedly meaning lots of orders. I logged in and got nothing for the 20 minutes that I sat there before Doordash gave me an offer.

I fucking hate the other drivers. I worked that area well for months and now they take everything and Grubhub lets them.

Today completely sucked. If Spartans come out there and take orders I am going to buy a baseball bat and hurt someone. You fucking little punks go work in the restaurants and stay out of the driving. Today I heard about 2 different times that drivers have stolen orders recently from two different restaurants.

Screw you thieving ass bastards whether Spartans or not.

I try to show the people in the restaurant how to make sure that the drivers confirm that they picked up the order so there is no way that they can get the order then unassign the delivery and say that they never got it.

You need your asses kicked majorly and so so the pieces of shit that coddle you. Ever notice how those most opposed to violence are generally those that need an ass kicking for pulling bullshit?

They kept sending me deeper into Lansing when my block started at 4:30 p.m. I toggled it off and on so that I could get all the way back to where I want to work out of.

Imagine my surprise when there was another driver parked exactly where I park when I got back there.

EGC 2056 was his license plate. 

The are was completely devoid of hot spot coloring so why was he waiting there?

How would he know that that is what I do and just wait for anything in that area?

Grubhub's AI would have to know that is what I do so why let others do it unless they want a conflict?

Trying to fuck with me and then claim some bullshit to deactivate me like the cock-sucking asshole at Uber did?

After about 3 or 4 minutes GRubhub gives me these 2 offers together:

The blue dot is me. 

The closest pick up is at Sree Saffron which isn't that bad. The second pick up is at Panda Express in downtown East Lansing. The same downtown East Lansing that I specifically told Grubhub they could stick up their ass and die with it. The same downtown East Lansing that is now 50,000+ times worse.

I do not give a rat's ass about the so-called scenery. I am at work.

Because of the harassment and destruction of my life by this shit hole area, I would rather be dead than have sex here. Fuck you pieces of shit and your crap. There are things way more important than sex. 

If you think that sex is the most important thing in life then you are insane. It is not O.K. to be crazy.

Well, I had a block removed by Grubhub this morning. They sent me into the shit hole called downtwon East Lansing on the first move in day for MSU and I turned the availability off.


I will go out later to try and make a little bit of money today, but I seriously think I am just going to go to the other side of town.

I hate that fucking school.