Monday, September 26, 2022

Anyone that works in psyops is a coward piece of shit. The whole lot needs to be exterminated.
I tried to let it out and cry while in bed last night because my mom died.
The pin dick nazis with the weaponry kept forcing my brain into different frequencies causing lots of pain when I tried to let it out.
Now this morning I have to function for work and the little griefer bitches are trying to force my brain into frequencies that would have happened last night and make it so I can not work.
You turds whine about the Constitution yet my constitutional rights are violated on a daily basis and you do nothing.
Everyone that covers up for the weaponry is guilty of torturing me, destroying my health and my mother's health and killing her.
I want everyone that doesn't want you dead, dead.
I am not delusional. I am not a spaz that needs some anti-depressant.
I have already pointed out how to expose the weaponry. It isn't that hard to detect the frequency bands that affect or can affect human brain activity.
They can piggy back the signals on any other radiation broadcast.
Make a building shielded like a Faraday cage with frequency detectors inside. Take a TI inside and if it stops then it is a weapons attack. If it does not stop then you have the frequencies and can triangulate the broadcast point/points.
Wake up idiots. AI is not your friend. Transhumanists are the delusional garbage.
Destroy the criminals so the government can't justify Big Brother operations.
You fucking idiots think being a criminal is cool when it allows the government to do more to take away your rights.
Die with the criminals morons.


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