Friday, September 2, 2022

Since I hate Michigan so fucking bad, I have decided that I will no longer vote for anyone running for any office in this shit hole of a state.

Before moving to Michigan there is absolutely no way that I would have voted for a republican and they have just gotten worse and worse with the religious garbage.

After living in the Lansing area I now despise democrats as much as republicans.

Democrats seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to be the party of the workers and are now nothing but social issue twits.

Democrats are owned by the same corporations as republicans.

Whitmer's "fix the damn roads" was a good plan, but it has been executed in a manner that her subordinates all need to be removed from their positions.

You can not destroy the entire road system of a moronically built, inadequate shit hole like the Lansing area at one time.

I should say you should not because obviously you can.

Now all the MSU partiers are back making it worse. I have a problem with calling them students.

Let me guess, the idiots that planned all this construction at once got their degrees from MSU?

Whitmer is from Lansing so she should know what she is approving and how bad it will fuck up trying to get around.

I loathe, despise and detest republicans, I will not vote for the LGBT party because of the gossip brigade in this asshole of an area.

I will always support someone's right to have sex with, or engage in a relationship with an adult of the same gender, but the tranny shit being pushed on kids and the assholes here thinking they can do anything they want to anyone else has made me an enemy.

Death to PC Michigan.

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