Tuesday, October 18, 2022

I am not a disgusting piece of shit swinger and I never will be.

I do not want a work wife. I do not fraternize with my co-workers.

Fraternize = socialize/date/fuck.

I am not gay nor bi-sexual and I never will be. 

I have repeatedly told people here that, but you fucking assholes keep pushing otherwise. 

You did that even before the attacks.

I wish that I had never set foot in or met anyone from the Travelers Club.

Maybe had those fucking punks from East 5th Street Billiards told me about this place none of this shit would be happening.

I would have never set foot in Sundance Chevrolet either. I was forced into that shit hole by Bob Walters at Walters Vending. I did not know that they were related to Brian or however you spell his name.

I told that asshole right to his face that I wanted nothing to do with cocaine. Why would I want to date/fuck a coke whore from Sundance or from the bars by the lake or anywhere else?

I have never in my life wanted to have anything to do with garbage in the media.

I have never wanted anything to do with 'Big Brother' scumbags. No one bothered to tell me that Belafuil and 'Doc' were defense contracting scum. All they had to do was check and they would have known that I was not eligible to get a security clearance because I got kicked out of the Navy for smoking pot on DDG 23. Literally on board a guided missle destroyer. 

Further checking could have revealed that my ASVAB scores were extremely high. 

So why all the crap? They could have just said that they did not want me to hangout with them due to the fact of not being able to get a security clearance. I would have said oh well and walked away.

Do you people think so highly of yourselves that someone wouldn't be able to handle not being around you?

I simply do not care. There are too many people to give a shit if a few don't want to hangout with me.

As for you criminals, I do not go around asking "who are the local criminals?". How the fuck would I know?

You people here started this shit, not me. 

If the assholes in Dayton had spread rumors about me or told you to do something to me then you should have told me. Otherwise you are just their bitch.

I ask and ask and ask, yet none here has the guts to tell me who. 

That means that it is literally all of you.

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