Friday, September 2, 2022

 Back to the song lyric crap this morning. Some of the lyrics to a Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks song, not sure which "I'm a few years older than you". Shit. 

Then with the "who, who, who is it?" bullshit. 

It would be a figment of their imagination used in a psychological warfare operation against me. 

All parts of their psychological warfare operations are reason to execute them. and destroy their weaponry.

I don't listen to music much anymore. They started this shit because some bunch of brain dead, moron, senile old men and their ignorant cunts thought I was sending messages by playing the fucking jukebox.  

That would be the daytime crowd at the Mayfair which should be torn down and never allowed to be built again and anyone that patronizes that bar is someone that I want dead. Both bars there are owned and operated by criminals and they allow drug dealers and organized crime to hang out in them and maybe even worse, defense contractors.

Tear the buildings down and make a parking lot for the park and beach are.

If time travel were possible, I would go back and kill them all.

The DJs know what they are doing with the weaponry and all of them are useless no talent garbage living off of corporate tax deductions and music made by others.  

Probably affiliated with the NSA or CIA, but might just be criminals.

Defund the NSA, CIA and Homeland Security. The nazi trifecta.

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